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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

Easy one today… I have so far been able to stay far away from the quicksand that is Ebay 😀

::eBay and PayPal::

Onesome: eBay– Is eBay your first stop when looking for something? …or your last place to go when you cannot find it anywhere else? Do you even use it? …and hey, have you scored anything choice there lately? No, I don’t use eBay and rarely look there

Twosome: and– while we’re at it: if you did your shopping online for Christmas, how did it go? Did things come in on time? Any significant failures? …and if you didn’t, will you consider trying online shopping sometime this year? I like to shop online and I did order several things at Christmas. Most of them were delivered in a timely manner, but Amazon.com seemed really slow this year. I think they were swamped and overwhelmed. My stuff arrived in time, and in perfect condition, but it took a lot longer than I thought. I ordered in what I thought was plenty of time (before 12/10) and my stuff got here around 12/21 or 12/22. I expected it in a week, not 11-12 days.

Threesome: PayPal– Online shopping and services can be somewhat of an adventure; is PayPal your choice as a payment option or do you prefer another method. …or do you shop locally or not at all? Don’t use PayPal. When I do order online, I just use a credit card.


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