Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Tagged yet Again!

The ladies at my favorite scrapbooking message board are really into doing quizzes and questionnaires on their new blogs lately, and they are being very sweet to tag me! I have been tagged twice lately, and I just logged on the message board and discovered I’d been tagged yet again. So, here’s another one! Jodi tagged me with a “5 Guilty Pleasures” list. Here we go!

Ground Rules: The first player of this “game” starts with the topic “5 Guilty Pleasures” and people who get tagged need to write an LJ (blog) entry about their 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

My 5 Guilty Pleasures

1. The Computer/Internet – I spend far too much time on my computer and online all day. It is in my blood though, I have a degree in computer science and spent most of my working career working on computers. We have the Hambones website that I maintain, my blog that I update daily and all that goes with those (maintenance, updates, finding graphics, posting topics of interest, sizing and uploading photos, etc). I also surf several blogs per day, a couple of message boards, some cooking sites, and even play games every now and then. When I work on updated themes for my blog, I can easily spend 6-8 hours working on a new design. Definitely a guilty pleasure, but fairly useful as well. 🙂

2. TV – I have been a serious TV addict all of my life. As a child, I had two escapes – TV and reading. Both are still guilty pleasures. My sisters were older than me, gone by the time I started kindergarten, and there were no kids in my neighborhood my age. I grew up very alone, and found that TV and books filled my time quite nicely. Still do today!

3. Reading – see #2. I love to read, always have. I have really kicked it up in the last year or so on my reading pace, and I am really enjoying it. I could easily sit all afternoon and read. I try to get all of my “chores” done first, and normally only read at night. After the requisite TV shows have been watched, of course.

4. Chocolate – duh. A no-brainer. I love anything chocolate. I even hide it around here sometimes to keep you-know-who out of it. I “save” my good chocolates, like the box of Godiva that Tim gave me for Christmas, and only have one when I feel like I really need or deserve it.

5. Splurging on Coffee Drinks – this is something I’ve really grown into in the last year. The practical, frugal side of me says that spending 3.50 on a coffee drink that I don’t need and consuming all of those calories, is a total waste of time and money. But, I love them! I love trying new ones at Starbucks or Cups, and I love going to coffee shops with a book or laptop and just hanging out. I usually can’t convince Tim to go with me, so I have to sneak away and go by myself. In fact, that was one of the things I chose to do on my birthday – I went to Barnes and Noble and got an expensive coffee I didn’t need, and proceeded to peruse cookbooks (another guilty pleasure, I definitely don’t need more, but I LOVE buying cookbooks) for a couple of hours. Sheer heaven.

Tagging – I will tag some of our other Hambones blogs, even though most of them don’t blog as often as I do! I’ll tag Amanda, Elizabeth, Shanna, Gail and Suzanne. If you guys have time, that is! 😀


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