The ladies at my favorite scrapbooking message board are really into doing quizzes and questionnaires on their new blogs lately, and they are being very sweet to tag me! I have been tagged twice lately, and I just logged on the message board and discovered I’d been tagged yet again. So, here’s another one! Jodi tagged me with a “5 Guilty Pleasures” list. Here we go!
Ground Rules: The first player of this “game” starts with the topic “5 Guilty Pleasures” and people who get tagged need to write an LJ (blog) entry about their 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.
My 5 Guilty Pleasures
1. The Computer/Internet – I spend far too much time on my computer and online all day. It is in my blood though, I have a degree in computer science and spent most of my working career working on computers. We have the Hambones website that I maintain, my blog that I update daily and all that goes with those (maintenance, updates, finding graphics, posting topics of interest, sizing and uploading photos, etc). I also surf several blogs per day, a couple of message boards, some cooking sites, and even play games every now and then. When I work on updated themes for my blog, I can easily spend 6-8 hours working on a new design. Definitely a guilty pleasure, but fairly useful as well. 🙂
2. TV – I have been a serious TV addict all of my life. As a child, I had two escapes – TV and reading. Both are still guilty pleasures. My sisters were older than me, gone by the time I started kindergarten, and there were no kids in my neighborhood my age. I grew up very alone, and found that TV and books filled my time quite nicely. Still do today!
3. Reading – see #2. I love to read, always have. I have really kicked it up in the last year or so on my reading pace, and I am really enjoying it. I could easily sit all afternoon and read. I try to get all of my “chores” done first, and normally only read at night. After the requisite TV shows have been watched, of course.
4. Chocolate – duh. A no-brainer. I love anything chocolate. I even hide it around here sometimes to keep you-know-who out of it. I “save” my good chocolates, like the box of Godiva that Tim gave me for Christmas, and only have one when I feel like I really need or deserve it.
5. Splurging on Coffee Drinks – this is something I’ve really grown into in the last year. The practical, frugal side of me says that spending 3.50 on a coffee drink that I don’t need and consuming all of those calories, is a total waste of time and money. But, I love them! I love trying new ones at Starbucks or Cups, and I love going to coffee shops with a book or laptop and just hanging out. I usually can’t convince Tim to go with me, so I have to sneak away and go by myself. In fact, that was one of the things I chose to do on my birthday – I went to Barnes and Noble and got an expensive coffee I didn’t need, and proceeded to peruse cookbooks (another guilty pleasure, I definitely don’t need more, but I LOVE buying cookbooks) for a couple of hours. Sheer heaven.
Tagging – I will tag some of our other Hambones blogs, even though most of them don’t blog as often as I do! I’ll tag Amanda, Elizabeth, Shanna, Gail and Suzanne. If you guys have time, that is! 😀
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