Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Random Nothingness

Tidbits of random nothingness… that’s the tagline on my blog (or subtitle, I guess you could call it). Since I don’t really have anything to blather on about today (or any day, for that matter!), I’ll log a few random tidbits for the day. Not a whole lot else going on anyway. Feel free to talk amongst yourselves, hardy har har. 😆

– I have been working on loading photos in the Photos section of Hambones. I have a huge backlog, way back to last November. Yes, that’s me, the poster child for procrastination. :mrgreen: I hope to get them finished today, but it may be later in the week. In the mean time, there are now new/old pictures loaded from Ethan’s birthday party in November, Thanksgiving, Don’s first deer, misc Tim golfing pictures, and the Hammons family lunch in early January. Go check them out if you are a registered user (you’ll have to be logged in to view photos). I still have all the Christmas ones left to load, so don’t look for those quite yet.

– I bought 2 avocados Monday at the grocery store. They were firm, so not ripe and ready to peel. I had thought they would ripen in a couple of days, as long as I left them out. I even went ahead and put them in a brown paper bag, which I’ve done before (to hasten the ripening process.) So, I want to use them tonight with dinner, and they are still pretty firm. What to do… what to do? I did a Blingo search and found that some people said to add a banana or apple to the bag to help speed up the ripening. I have never done this before. Have you? Does it work?

– How often do you buy new pillows for your bed? You know, the ones you sleep on, not decorative or toss pillows? We seem to go through ours pretty quick, or at least Tim does. I try to wash them every month or two, but I still seem to be replacing them once or twice a year. How often do you get new ones? I must admit I’m more adamant about these after seeing that Oprah show about dust mites and how things are in our beds. That show really grossed me out.

– Coming soon… the story about my squirrel feeder. Yes, random nothingness for another day. I know you’re beside yourself with anticipation. 😛

  1. Gail Said,

    * I have not ever put anything in with avocados to speed up ripening….mine just seem to get too ripe too fast! But I rarely buy them.

    * I don’t buy new pillows very often but probably need to. I think maybe you actually aren’t supposed to wash them, according to instructions on the pillows and that probably breaks them down faster. But, you like to because of the germs/mites thing, so it puts you in a quandry! But I have thrown them in the washer before……I guess now I should go buy some more! Don would rather buy new ones than keep washing them I think.

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