Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

I’ve Been Tagged!

I’ve been tagged again! Cindi at my SBA scrapbooking message board tagged me with this meme. I love these kinds of things, so I will answer here, and then tag 2 more ladies at SBA! Gotta keep these things alive 🙂

Something I keep hidden: Chocolate

Something that’s always on display: Family Pictures

One thing I will never throw away: Pictures of any kind

The best gift I have ever received: Tim and his love and devotion

An unusual thing in my purse: Hmmm, my purse is pretty normal. I just started carrying Purell hand sanitizer with me, that’s probably the most unusual thing (not very though!)

Something that’s always in my trunk: I don’t have a trunk in my SUV. But there’s always jumper cables underneath the cargo panel.

Something I never want to run out of: Toilet Paper. Milk. Food. 🙂

My favorite pair of shoes: my Ascics tennis shoes

Something I never take off: my wedding band

Something I sleep with every night: gotta be Tim 😀

Something that triggers a memory: pictures trigger the strongest memories for me. Smells and sounds sometimes, but I have an atrociously bad memory, so pictures are the best bet

Something my children fight over: N/A, no kiddos here

One thing that’s on my wishlist: my lifelong dream is to go to England and Scotland

Something I’m embarrassed to admit I like: that I’d rather dip my fries in mayo than ketchup 🙄

Something I collect: scrapbook supplies, cookbooks

Something I avoid at all cost: Snakes

Let’s see….and I tag 2 other ladies at SBA… Michelle and Diane

  1. Elizabeth Said,

    I’d rather dip my fries in mayo too. I love mayonaise!!

  2. Stace Said,

    Elizabeth – yippeee! Then, I’m not as abnormal as I thought! I love mayo too, I prefer my fries in them, and I’ve even eaten mayo sandwiches. Back in those lean days, right out of college, when I didn’t have money for things like sandwich meat. 🙂 Nothing like lots of mayo slabbed onto white bread!

  3. Gail Said,

    Well, I like my fries with mayo too and love mayo as well! But we are all in the same family, so maybe that’s why we all like it!
    Maybe our whole family is………………nah, no way, we are all ok!

  4. Stace Said,

    Maybe our whole family is….


    Were those any of the words you were looking for? hehehe

    Now, to set the record straight, I think your 4 kids are perfectly normal. As for you, me and Suzie, I think we’re a bit dysfunctional. But, we’ve had this conversation before, you know. 😀

  5. Kirk Said,

    Interesting about the mayo, I am considered family every once in a while, but I do not eat mayo at all. If there is mayo on my sandwich, Nichole has to remove it for me or I cant eat the sandwich. I dislike the taste, the smell and generally care not to look at it. I do, however, like tartar sauce, but not cole slaw, potato salad or most anything else that seems to involve mayo. Hmm…and to think that Stacy is the wierd one…

  6. Stace Said,

    Kirk – that’s not all that unusual. I’m that way about tomatoes. Won’t eat a hamburger if they are on there, I have to take them off and make sure I get every seed. However, I will eat spaghetti sauce, ketchup and even most salsas. Go figure, those certainly have tomato in them. I think we all have those weirdo things… 🙂

    By the way, I love to dip my fries in tartar sauce too! If we’re eating fish, that’s my preferred dipping. Anything mayo based. I’ll use ketchup if I have to, but only if there’s no mayo product and the fries don’t “stand on their own”. Some are good enough to eat by themselves, depends on where you get them. Hahahah 😀

  7. mamichelle Said,

    ok, I can’t go with the mayo on my fries!!! Sorry. I love mayo but …. gotta have ketchup on the fries. I also love tartar sauce but I”m very picky about it. It has to be mayo’ey and not gel-ish.

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