Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

For the Birds…

What’s that old cliche about something being “for the birds”? Does it mean it’s trivial or not worthwhile? Might have to go look that one up.

I had a busy day yesterday, and got a lot done. Today is a little more laid back. For one, it’s raining and grey and dreary and totally bleak here today. You look out the window and it’s the picture of a gray, rainy, winter day. Tim is not feeling well, he pulled a muscle in his neck while he was sleeping, or slept funny on it, and now he can barely move his neck. Poor thing, I never know what to do when he’s not feeling well. He doesn’t like to be bothered or fussed over.

OK, back to the title, this post is “for the birds”. Literally, not figuratively. My backyard was a virtual bird sanctuary yesterday afternoon. At one time, I counted 6 cardinals perched in my bradford pear tree. My bird feeders are nearly empty (well, the seed one, they don’t like the new suet one, more on that later). I need to refill them, but it’s raining and I think I’ll wait till the rain has passed.

I am still trying to learn to use my new camera Tim got me for Christmas. It has a lot more zoom, which I love, and more features. I feel like I should be getting better pictures, but so far I am getting a lot of blurry ones. I tried to take pictures of my birds yesterday afternoon, but I was at full zoom, standing inside the house (trying not to move and scare them and make them fly away), and shooting pictures through a mildly dirty window. So, I guess they could have been worse. Most of them are blurry… a few came out pretty good. Here’s the first one, and the others are in the extended entry.

Two cardinals, chatting, I guess!!!!

Two Cardinals having a chat

Are the brown ones with the orange beak the males or the females? I can never remember… I think I like these more than the red ones!

I love the brown ones!

My mom loved “red birds” as she called them. She always would say “I saw a red bird out in the tree”, and I guess I grew up loving them. She had a set of cloth red birds that we would put on the Christmas tree every year. I wonder if my dad still has those in his attic? They would be really old by now!

Dodie loved

And one last one… this one is a bit blurry, but I decided to post it anyway, to show why my flowers are not growing as much as I want. The birds are eating out of my flower baskets every day. I’m amazed I have any flowers left, they eat them every day!


  1. Stacie Said,

    Great pics! What kind of camera did you get? I just got a new one for Christmas too. Stacie

  2. Gail Said,

    The brown ones with the orange beak are the females, the red ones are the male cardinals……….which somehow I never thought fair! (But what is fair, that is for another day!) It seems like the prettier ones should be the females but if you like the brown ones better, that makes sense I guess….us girls sticking together!

  3. Suzanne Said,

    Gail is right. I spotted these outside my window too on Saturday, and was told the bright red ones are males….maybe to scare away the competetion !
    good shots, Stacy.

  4. Stace Said,

    Thanks Suzie, I was rather proud of the few that came out (the rest were blurry, I have to learn to hold this camera really still, or else start setting up a tripod!). The zoom on my new camera is great, these birds were way out in my tree! 🙂 Thanks!

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