Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Quick Update

I haven’t really blogged much this week about anything personal. I’ve mostly been doing memes and tags. And that would be because of the obvious reason, there’s not a lot going on that’s blogworthy!

Here’s what is going on, in a blabbering, rambling sort of wrap-up:

– Been a good week, but busy. Tim is working up a storm. He’s had to work late 4 nights this week (starting at 10 or 11 PM and into the wee hours of the morning). I do my best to adapt my schedule to his.
– I’ve been happy this week for the return of new episodes of some of my favorite shows . Most notably, NCIS and House on Tuesday, Lost on Wednesday, Invasion on Wednesday (but I’m ready to give this one up, gotten very disillusioned and disinterested). I’m also really liking the new Dancing with the Stars on Thursday (until Survivor starts, then I’ll have a dilemma). Tonight is a busy tv night, we have 3 shows on at the same time – 9 PM. We’ll watch Battlestar Galactica and tape Numb3rs and Monk.
– I’ve been reading my new book and I’m in love, as I expected to be. I just love, love, love the Jan Karon Mitford books. So sad that this is the last one.
– And finally, today is the big shopping trip to Sam’s. I have a long list. I go every couple of months, but I really stock up about twice a year. This is the first of those trips. I should have a big tab by the time I am finished. 🙂


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