Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Fun Meme

Friday Fun Meme

Friday Flings…
In the interest of cleaning and organizing my house,…!

1. If you could choose 5 things that belonged to someone else in your household to fling, what would they be? I wouldn’t. I always run stuff by Tim before I throw it out, if it’s his or ours. I feel free to throw out my own stuff, or kitchen stuff or old decorative stuff, but I won’t touch his or anything I think is “ours” and might mean something to him. I try to be considerate that way! Now, if we had kids, I would be flinging their stuff a lot, I’m sure! 🙂

2. What would be the worst 5 things that someone could fling of yours? 1) Any of my pictures. 2) Any of the stuff in my memorabilia boxes 3) Any personal items (clothes, jewelry, etc) 4) Any of my kitchen gadgets 5) Any of my books

3. What are you the best at keeping organized? The worst? I keep our daily lives pretty well organized. I keep the house fairly organized. The kitchen is the most organized place in the house, for sure. Our room and bathroom would be next. My scrapbooking stuff and the “junk” in the office are by far the worst. I need to clean, file, organize and fling in there something fierce. :mrgreen:

4. What is the one thing in your house that needs organizing the worst? Oops, see above. Getting ahead of myself!


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