Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

Always a favorite meme, from this site… feel free to play along in your own blog, or as a comment here 🙂

Otto said…. I want to thank coffeeNtoast for this week’s excellent questions! Thank you so much for emailing me! (Suggestions are always welcome!) =)

1. Name 1 type of supplement that you take. Viactiv calcium chew, one a day

2. List 2 books that you would like to read in 2006. Any of the ones I own (2 Nicholas Sparks books come to mind), or any on my library list. I have started the Zion Covenant series and want to finish those (I lack 3).

3. List 3 hobbies that you have. Surfing the net, blogging, reading

4. List 4 gifts that you have received. My new Kodak P850 camera :D, Giada’s Everyday Italian cookbook, 2 new Yankee Candles, Kitchenaid hand mixer

5. Share 5 (instant & inexpensive) ways to spruce up a room. Hmm, not my forte, but I would…. open up the curtains and let sunlight in, open the windows if the weather was pleasant, pick up and dust, fluff pillows, light a candle. If money was readily available, I’d look into paint, new pillows or a throw, things like that.


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