Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


Well, I’ve spent a lot of today snoozing. I’m still not feeling great, and I got pretty worn out yesterday. We had a great time at the family dinner and getting to see everyone. Then, my mother-in-law (Linda) and I went shopping all afternoon and got home around dark. The guys all went hunting and Mitchell shot a small buck, so that he could send Fred home with some meat, which was very good of him and we all appreciated it. 🙂 Tim was pretty tired too, I think, so we didn’t stay too late.

I slept a long time last night, probably 11 hours or so, and then took a long nap this afternoon, and I feel like I still need more sleep. What’s up with that? I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired, won’t someone please take these germs and sore throat and cough and make them leave, and stay gone? Please?!

I’ve been watching football most of the afternoon (when I’m not snoozing) and Tim has been playing golf. Yes, folks, it’s true. Tim has converted to a golf freak. He now watches the Golf Channel all the time. He hits balls out back every time he’s home and there’s daylight. He is consumed with golf. And doesn’t seem to care at all about THE PLAYOFFS. Yes, like I told him, who would have ever thought that I would sit and watch football and cheer by myself while he’s out back, whacking away at little white balls.

Here’s Tim with his new net I got him for Christmas… and click on the extended entry to see a few posed “people pics” from yesterday’s family dinner at Tim’s aunt’s house…

Tim and his new net, practicing his swing:

Tim practicing his swing

A few pictures from our family get-together yesterday, I’ll try to get the rest of them on the main website soon. Just adding them to my list, which includes pictures way back to November (Ethan’s birthday party, Thanksgiving, not to mention Christmas!).

Here’s Tim’s dad and his siblings:

Mitchell, Annie Myrl, Judy and Hilton

Here’s Tim’s parents, Linda and Mitchell (or, Mom and Dad, as we like to call them!):

Mitchell and Linda

And, of course, had to get Tim’s mom to snap ONE of us!!

Tim and Stacy

  1. Dawn Said,

    yuck! hope you’re feeling better soon. and i am at a loss. i don’t understand how golf can ever be good–but during the PLAYOFFS?! =O

  2. Suzanne Said,

    I KNEW he would get easily addicted……….cool…..I would love to play good golf……skp

  3. Kirk Said,

    Tell him to stop bending his left elbow, it should be striaght until after he has struck the ball, it feels very wierd but that is a golf swing and will help him hit straighter

  4. Mark Said,

    Try drinking some hot sauce, it will kill the germs.

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