Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Family Dinner

We’re headed out in just a minute, to go to Tim’s aunt’s house for a family dinner. This is his dad’s side of the family and they usually have a get-together the first couple of weeks in January, after the holidays are over, and people have more time to get together and visit. We usually go, and always have a good time seeing everyone.

Afterwards, Linda and I are going shopping and Tim is going to go back to their house and go deer hunting. Fred is supposed to come go hunting too, so we will get to see him also, which will be good. We will probably be back late, so I won’t blog again till tomorrow sometime. We’ll miss the playoff games today, which we hate, so we’re going to try to be here tomorrow afternoon to watch the rest of them. 🙂


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