Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Dancing with the Stars

I watched “Dancing with the Stars” last night on ABC for the first time. I never checked it out last summer, and frankly, wasn’t very interested in it. I knew Tim would never watch it with me, so we just skipped it completely. However, in the last couple of weeks, I’ve seen ads for the new show, and they keep showing that Jerry Rice is going to be on there. Well. I love Jerry Rice, he is from Mississippi and I think he’s the greatest receiver, ever, in the NFL and seems like a really classy guy. I tried to get Tim interested, based on Jerry and also Kenny Mayne (ESPN commentator) being on the show. He seemed mildly interested, but I figured he wouldn’t watch with me. But, I stuck to my guns (grabbed the remote away and hid it, basically) and turned it on at 7 PM. Tim had to get on a conference call shortly after 7 PM and ended up being on there for nearly 2 hours, so he missed the whole show.

I, however, was able to watch the entire thing. And I really enjoyed it! I didn’t think I would, I just wanted to see Jerry Rice, but he was second to last to dance and I really enjoyed watching all the others before him. And – I have to say I LOVED Jerry Rice and his partner!! He really got into it and seemed to be having a great time and I thought they did a great job. There were several couples on there that were good, and that I really enjoyed watching. One team gets voted off tonight, much like Idol, which returns soon and we plan to watch. I think that probably the rapper and his partner will go tonight, or else poor Kenny Mayne and his partner. Poor Kenny doesn’t seem to have one single bit of rhythm and two left feet (he looked just awful!) The Lachey guy looked good, Nick’s brother Drew. Of course, he was in a “boy band”, so he ought to have a little rhythm!

Anyway, I enjoyed it and I hope I can get Tim to watch next time. 🙄

  1. Gail Said,

    Well, I meant to watch it, I watched about half of it this past summer! But the boys put a movie in and I forgot about it (:

  2. deb Said,

    I watched it for the very first time too! I didn’t see the entire show but I do want to watch it again this week and see more. I didn’t see Jerry Rice…I wonder if the show is on for 2 hours each time?? Kind of long…I go to bed so early!

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