Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday is the best day for memes, I’m going to do at least two, maybe three. My blog, my rules. 😀

First up: Friday Feast Meme

Feast Seventy-Five
Friday, January 06, 2006

Have you ever seen a ghost or an angel?
No, not that I can remember.

What is your favorite board game?
I’d have to say Trivial Pursuit, love that game. I have the original one, from like, what – over 20 years ago!

What was the last movie you saw that made you cry?
I got teary-eyed at a couple of the movies we rented over the holidays. I think I teared up during Cinderella Man (when they took the kids away) and I think I got all teary during Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Both really good movies!

Main Course
What would you do if you had 3 months off from your job?
Hmmm…. gee, this is tough. My “job” is pretty good the way it is!

What kind of shoes are you wearing today?
None yet, still have my fuzzy chenille slipper socks on. Tennis shoes for later.


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