Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Five Meme

Found a couple of good meemes today, here’s the first one. From the website “Friday Fiver” – link Here

Strike a pose

1. Do you own a camera? Describe it: Yes, my beloved Kodak digital

2. Do you prefer digital or film? Digital, all the way, baby

3. When is the last time you posed for a picture? I was going to say Christmas, but got to thinking, and it was 1/24, when Abby was born. We got some pics with me, Amanda and Abby, as well as me, Tim, Amanda and Abby. 🙂

4. Tell us about your favorite photograph: Any picture of me and Tim by ourself is a favorite. I can never have enough pics of me and Tim. :mrgreen:

5. Use the flash or flash the camera? HUH? I’m missing something here, maybe it will come to me later.


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