Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

The Flip Side

As happy as I am to have ceramic tile put in the laundry room, kitchen, breakfast room and guest bath (we still have the master bath to go), there is always a flip side. And you know me, the eternal pessimist, I’m always looking at the negative.

Well, not really, but I thought some certain people might get a kick out of the fact that my house is a mess and the OCD in me is struggling with it. Tim calls me Mrs. Monk and although I’m not nearly as bad as Monk on TV, I do have my moments. I actually think I’ve been coping quite well. Certainly in this case, the end justifies the means and getting the tile laid is just wonderful.

But, for those of you who know me, you’ll get a kick out of these pictures…

My house is a mess! Which is sooooo not me!

Here’s the den, it now houses the kitchen table, junk from the top of the refrigerator, and the door to the laundry room:

Flip Side - junked up den

I like to keep things humming around here on a daily basis and not let things pile up. Normally I can, but I understand that with something like this project going on, I can’t. And I’m ok with that and I think I’m dealing well. I haven’t been able to do laundry (and I usually do a load every day or two to keep up and not get behind) since we unhooked the washer and dryer last Friday. So, it’s really piling up.

Here’s something you almost NEVER see from me, and I hope not to see again for a long long long time!

Flip Side - the piles of laundry

  1. deb Said,

    lol Stacy! I wish I had that kind of mess. That kind I can handle ;~)

  2. Linda Said,

    You should clean my favorite son’s house!

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