Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Quiz: What Kind of Coffee Are You?

Hey, check this out – pretty accurate! I do like coffee because I add so much Splenda and creamer to it to make it taste sweet and flavored! And… I like frappucinos at Starbucks. Very good gauge this time, check it out! 😀

(P.S. I’m having coffee this morning with Tim – he’s working from home. Love mornings like this!)

You Are a Frappacino

At your best, you are: fun loving, sweet, and modern

At your worst, you are: childish and over indulgent

You drink coffee when: you’re craving something sweet

Your caffeine addiction level: low

  1. Suzanne Said,

    I am not what Stacy is !!

    You Are an Espresso
    At your best, you are: straight shooting, ambitious, and energetic

    At your worst, you are: anxious and high strung

    You drink coffee when: anytime you’re not sleeping

    Your caffeine addiction level: highWhat Kind of Coffee Are You?

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