Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Murphy’s Law

Suffice it to say that if you are going to begin some level of home renovation project, inevitably, Murphy’s Law will kick in. You know that law, the one that says “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” 😀

I can write more later, for those of you who want to know, but the short of it is that we’ve hit some speed bumps (miscalculated the square footage and so we under bought on tile, mortar, grout, etc) and had a minor mishap (the pipe in the laundry room to the washer burst, flooding the laundry room and requiring a nifty Sheetrock repair and now total room painting job).

Luckily, we have Super Terry to the rescue – Tim’s big brother came to help us today and he’s been great. :mrgreen: He and Tim got some copper pipe and soldered it into the wall, and now are laying tile in the breakfast room. We’re being optimistic and hope that they get the kitchen done as well.

Oh, and one other Murphy-ism. Our refrigerator won’t fit through the doors with its own doors attached. Plan B now entails tiling in front of the refrigerator, letting it set, then coming back later to tile behind it. This project, I think, might turn into the one that wouldn’t go away!

Took a few pictures today and will try to load them tomorrow or Monday. For those who might be so inclined as to peek at them. 🙄

  1. Dawn Said,

    ugh. seems like anything house-related is out to get us these days…

  2. Heidi Said,

    I just read through a bunch of your tile posts. They will be really helpful to me. We had been decided on porcelain, but I think we’ll switch to ceramic because there is a little more variety there! I probably will be blogging about this a lot too because it seems so stressful to make a decision about a floor that will last a long time! Plus, my husband has surprisingly strong opinions about decorating sometimes…

    Anyhow, all these posts were great for me to look at. I’m going to show them to my husband tonight.


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