Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Kitchen is Progressing

Tim got off work a few minutes early yesterday and came home to work on the breakfast room more. I planted one 6 pack of pansies in my deck planters, then went inside to help. We ended up working until about 10:45 PM. Tim had to stop and get on another conference call beginning at 11 PM (which lasted about an hour or so).

We got almost all of the vinyl pulled up in the 3 rooms. The breakfast room and kitchen are completely pulled up. He pulled up what he could in the laundry room, but didn’t move the washer and dryer yet. We have to borrow or go buy a dolly to move those soon, probably today. We did the first spraying of Krud Kutter and scraping on the breakfast room and kitchen, and I worked on the second coat (removing adhesive by hand, on my knees with a scraper and sponge) in the breakfast room. Needless to say, as I figured, I don’t have nearly the same strength and “elbow grease” that Tim does, and my hands and wrists are not used to that kind of work.

So here it is – whine whine, complain complain, groan groan. Today, I am hurting all over. My knees hurt, not from being down on the concrete on them for hours, but from the darn knee pads I borrowed from Tim. The rubber strap was too tight, and they gouged into my skin. My shoulders and back hurt from bending over and trying to scrub and push the scraper. Those are tolerable though. What really hurts are my hands and wrists. To the extent that they throb when I’m just sitting still. Typing right now is not fun. Helping Tim later today and tonight is going to be sheer torture.

OK, go ahead and bash me, I know I’m a wimp and a wuss and a chronic complainer. Poor Tim has to live with me, feel sorry for him. It is very hard work though, and thank goodness I have Tim here to do the lion’s share of it. If I was doing it by myself, I wouldn’t make it. Nice having a big strong guy around!

Without further ado, more pictures in the extended section. We’re making progress, and hope to start laying tile tomorrow!

Here’s a “3-way” picture, as Tim called it. He said, “go get your camera and take a picture so people can see the 3 steps”. (Think he’s getting into my blogging, or what?!): The top section is the vinyl that hasn’t been pulled up, the left section is the top layer of vinyl removed, and we still have to apply Krud Kutter and scrape the bottom layer off, and the right section shows that layer up, but we still have to apply a second coat of Krud Kutter and get up that white adhesive. Lots of work!! 🙂

Kitchen 3 Way

Towards the end of getting up the vinyl in the kitchen, we moved the refrigerator around to get behind it:

Getting up the vinyl in the kitchen

Here’s what my kitchen looks like this morning, after our long night of work:

My Kitchen before tile!

And here’s what we got done in the laundry room, the open part is vinyl-free, but we still have to move the washer and dryer and get the section of vinyl underneath it:

Laundry Room - Phase 1

And here’s the breakfast room, with MOST of the adhesive cleaned up (still some in the bottom left corner to get)… and a lot more in the kitchen to clean up! 🙂

Breakfast Room

  1. Gail Said,

    Wow! tons done……I should have found some way to send you these scrapers we have that have handles on them so you wouldn’t have to be on the floor so much. They were really helpful when we used them to get the glue up from putting down new wood floors.
    And…..in the bottom pic is that the stool that we got Tim one year? Can’t believe he has used it, but actually Don loved that, I think once he wished he had one for something but he doesn’t do enough now to use one!

  2. Stace Said,

    Gail – we bought a second scraper, a long handled one, and Tim used that one. Look at the first picture – the 3 way one, it’s got a long handle. I was using the short handled one, down on my hands and knees.

    Yes, that’s the stool, and we love that thing. We use it for sitting, but it comes in handy all the time. We keep it out in the garage and use it to sit down and put our yard shoes on, I use it while Tim is working on stuff to sit and keep him company, Tim uses it when he works on stuff, etc. We use it a lot! Tim even said one time, I’m going to have to go get another one of these so we can each have one! 🙂

  3. Gail Said,

    Wow, didn’t know it would be that handy!
    Elizabeth and Chris are coming here this evening and going back tomorrow, let me know if you want them to bring one or two of these scrapers back.

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