Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Another Friday Five Meme

I swear, all the best memes are on Friday! Here’s another one I just found, over at Kelly’s blog, “The Woman Wonders”
More good questions! Play along if you’d like, either in a comment here or {gasp} at your own blog! 😀

1. Do you prefer to work out at home, outside, or the gym? I prefer to walk with Tim, our 2 mile route through the subdivision. My second choice is working out at home to exercise tapes/DVD’s.

2. Laundry soap, powder or liquid? Liquid for almost everything. I do keep a box of powder for washing towels we use outside or for mopping up messes. I use All Free & Clear, by the way, since we both have somewhat sensitive skin

3. While you are home (during the day and/or night) do you keep your doors locked or unlocked? I’m not asking about overnight, I am assuming we all lock our doors then. Yes! Tim can tell funny stories about this. He says I stay locked up in here like it was Fort Knox! I’ve even been known to lock him out during the day on the weekend, like on a Saturday if he’s working in the yard. I do it out of habit, I just automatically lock a door when I come inside!

4. Sock shoe, sock shoe OR sock sock, shoe shoe? Hmmm, probably a little of both. Mostly, I think I do sock, sock, shoe, shoe

5. Do you take any prescribed medicine on a DAILY basis? Yes, I take 2 prescribed meds and 2 over-the-counter ones (multivitamin and calcium chewie thing) every day.

  1. Suzanne Said,

    1) at a gym or if I can’t walk or bike.
    2) Fortunately, I don’t have to do the laundry, we use liquid.
    3) Locked, unless I am working outside.
    4) Sock, Sock. Shoe, shoe.
    5) Yes, 3 prescribed.

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