Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I thought I would jot down a few of the good and bad things that are going on around here for me, big and small things during the course of my day. I think I’ve been watching too much of Martha Stewart’s new daily talk show… the phrase “it’s a good thing” keeps reverberating through my brain! I do like her show though, and especially, this new feature she is doing every day in the month of November. It’s called “30 Things Everyone Should Know” and so far I’ve really enjoyed them.

I digress. Here’s some good, bad, and ugly things going on around here:

Good – giving out all the Halloween Candy on Monday night so it won’t be in the house to tempt us to eat more

Bad – finding Halloween candy marked down Tuesday at the store, and buying the ones I loved the most (Butterfinger Crisp) to bring home so we would have more candy in the house!

Ugly – the big zit I have on my face from eating all of said Halloween candy

Good – buying new sweats for the winter (tops, bottoms and even matching jackets for some!). Yeah for me! 😀

Bad – after washing said new sweats, going to put them in the drawer and finding new ones you had bought last year and forgotten about (ok, it’s just two pair of pants, but still, I forgot I had bought them!)

Good – making homemade soup for supper

Bad – that the soup is not healthy – full of potatoes, milk, cheese, no veggies, and the white bread (no whole grains) that we’ll be eating with said soup

Good – that Tim is starting on the ceramic tile project

Bad – that Tim is starting on the ceramic tile project during football season, right before hunting season starts, and 3 weeks before Thanksgiving, when there will be quite a bit of cooking going on in my kitchen

Good – the yummy strawberry yogurt Cheerios I had for breakfast. Then splurging and making myself a small pot of Chocolate Raspberry coffee

Bad – throwing away the empty package of chocolate raspberry coffee. I will have to buy more. In the mean time, I bought a small bag of pecan praline flavor to try.

Good – that our trees are starting to turn and it’s just gorgeous outside

Bad – that the new tree we planted this past spring doesn’t look good and looks like it’s being eaten up by bugs of some kind.

Good – that there are so many great shows on TV. I’m a total TV addict

Bad – that some of my favorite shows, like Lost, NCIS and Threshold, are already showing reruns. I’m pretty perturbed by that. I mean, what are we, like 2 months into the fall season? At most? Why are these people not churning out new episodes for us on a regular basis? What is wrong with them?

Good – Buying the new Star Wars Episode 3 DVD

Bad – that we haven’t watched it yet! And may not have time till this weekend or after. Boooooo-hoooooooo!

Good – burning the new Yankee Candle that Tim got me for my birthday – Almond Toffee

Better – that Tim loves the smell of the one he picked out. Normally, he barely tolerates my candles!

Best – buying more seasonal Yankee Candles. I’m going to get a Cranberry Chutney one soon. That’s the fragrance of the month at both Linens N Things and Bed, Bath and Beyond. I bought one last year and loved the smell of it!

Footnote – if you have some good or bad things you’d like to share, please do! The comments are waiting for you! 🙂

  1. Gail Said,

    I was in Walmart Wednesday morning to get something I needed before I left driving for North Carolina and decided I needed some chocolate to munch on while driving…..bad and good I guess!
    They had a sign over these boxes of candy at the front door that said, Halloween 50% off, even better! So I got 2 bags, bad! But when I checked out, it rang up regular price and she told me it wasn’t on sale! I was frustrated but too much in a hurry to try to argue with her or have her go over to the display to see the sign. She said sometimes people put the wrong bags of candy back somewhere where it doesn’t belong, but it was clearly a bag of Halloween candy, with halloween wrappers on it! Argh, they frustrate me so much sometimes!
    At least I only brought half of it with me! Good I guess….but maybe bad for when I get home!

  2. Stace Said,

    Gail – what kind of candy did you buy? I bought Butterfinger Crunch and Hershey kisses that have caramel in the middle, yum-o!

  3. Gail Said,

    Butterfingers and Three Musketeers, my favorite!

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