Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

And so it begins…

I’ve lived in this house for 12 1/2 years. For over 12 of those years, I have wanted to get rid of the white floors that the builder put in here, and I have always disliked immensely. My patience is finally being rewarded, as we have purchased some ceramic tile from Home Depot and Tim started last night on “the great tile project of Fall 2005” :mrgreen:

He is going to start in the guest bathroom and use that room as a test run (aka, guinea pig room). He started last night when he got in from work – he removed the toilet (it’s front and center in the garage though, in case anyone stops by and needs to use the guest bathroom!), the baseboard moldings, and starting removing the vinyl that was in there.

Click to see some before and after pictures, and to read more about the beginning of the project:

Here’s what the bathroom looked like before he started:

Guest Bathroom before the work begins

And getting up the top layer of the vinyl flooring:

Removing the top layer, with a mallet and scraper

And after the top layer is removed, but we still have all that bottom layer and adhesive still to go, which is going to take a lot longer, I think:

Top layer of vinyl flooring is gone in a flash!

Not bad for one evening after work, although all the hard work is still left to go. But, considering we watched 2 TV shows (E-Ring and Criminal Minds, since Lost and Invasion were both reruns, why on earth are we having reruns already???), I think he got a lot done in one evening.

Let’s hope things go smoothly and maybe by the end of this weekend, we’ll have one room done! The tough part will be left after that. I’m really looking forward to having tile in the kitchen, but I am not looking forward to moving the appliances, and being out of my kitchen for the duration of the project. I like to cook and eat here, and eating take-out for days on end is not going to sit well with me! I just have to keep my eye on the goal though, and remember how great it’s going to look when it’s done, and not concentrate on what an inconvenience it’s going to be while he’s working on it. Right?! 🙂

  1. Suzanne Said,

    That’s right……you will be so happy when it’s done. Your house will feel so clean and new.

  2. Stace Said,

    Thanks Suzie – I really am very much looking forward to it! We’re hoping to really enjoy it while we’re here, stave off those “wanna move to another house” itches we have from time to time, plus, eventually, it should help the resale value of this house. Mostly, I’m just looking forward to enjoying it every day when it’s all done and finished! 🙂

    You’ll have to come back soon and see it for yourself! We miss you 🙁

  3. Gail Said,

    I guess I should have thought to tell you that there is another tool/gadget Tim could have bought to get that vinyl up! They used one when they worked on my tile floors, and it is probably quicker! But it makes a mess! And then you would have to buy something else!
    It’s really more like a machine. Kind of cuts it up for you.

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