Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Dear Diary – A Day Later

Dear Diary,

I’m sorry I haven’t written much lately. Life, and the pursuit of it, has gotten in the way of my writing (blogging). The last few days have been very busy, and the next few weeks promise to be even busier. But I’ll do my best to write it all down, Dear Diary.

P.S. You know how I am, I am terrible at writing in my diary (not my blog). I have 4 or 5 diaries from growing up (mostly teenage years), where I wrote a couple of entries in either January or February, then abandoned my poor diary until the next time I received one as a birthday or Christmas gift. I’m still holding myself to my promise for my blog – to get at least one entry entered per day. Good or bad, boring or not, at least something.

Read on to find out the nitty gritty of what we’ve been doing the last couple of days!

Let’s see, here’s the highlights:

Tuesday – I went to the libary to renew my books. I don’t seem to be reading these Zion Covenant books very quickly! The books are longer, the print is small (and I read before bedtime, so the smaller print seems to tire my eyes out faster, does that make sense? 🙂 ), and I just don’t seem to be reading as much at night as I was before. I imagine these books will be all I can complete before the onslaught of the holidays and everything else we have going on until the end of the year (read more below!).

Then, I went shopping almost all afternoon. Bought myself some new warmups and other things. Met Tim, who got off work a little early, so we could go to Home Depot to get more supplies for our new project. Well, Tim’s new project (since I don’t think I’m going to be much help) – laying down ceramic tile in our bathrooms, kitchen, breakfast room and laundry room. We bought, among other things, a wet tile saw, spacers, scrapers, trowels, knee pads, adhesive, buckets to mix adhesive and grout, and various and sundry other items that we’ll need. We brought home a color chart to pick out the color of the grout to go with the tile we had bought over the weekend. The color of the tile is called Niagara Terra and the color of the grout we picked to blend in (not be too much darker or lighter) is called Haystack.

Here’s a picture of the tile:

Niagara Terra ceramic tile

And, since I have a hard time visualizing things, I laid them out in a big square, to try to get a grasp of what it will look like in the kitchen:

Tile in the kitchen

Anyway, after we filled up the shopping cart at Home Depot, to where it wouldn’t hold another thing, we checked out and headed home. After pulling out of the parking lot, Tim said “do you want to go out to eat supper?” To which, I replied, “I still have fish from last night that we need to cook.” (I had fish out for Monday night’s dinner, but he brought home KFC to eat before the trick or treaters started coming). Tim then said “are you sure?”. So, testing the waters, I said “do you want to go eat Chinese??” – my famous and oft repeated phrase. When he said “ok”, that sealed the deal. We went to our little buffet near the house and pigged out on Chinese food.

Wednesday – I got my hair cut, then went to Michaels, Best Buy, the mall and Academy Sports. In the middle of all of that, I went to Tim’s office and picked him up, so we could go eat lunch together (McAlister’s Deli) and go to Academy Sports. I got some t-shirts and a USM sweatshirt and Tim got some smelly deer stuff 😀

After he got in from work Wednesday night, he started on his new project – laying ceramic tile in our house. See the next post to read more!

  1. Suzanne Said,

    can I hire him to do the same at our house> How hard will it be??

    Can’t wait to hear/read more.


  2. Stace Said,

    Tim is always available for hire, he works cheap! And he works great, he always does impeccable work on every project he’s ever tackled around here (from building cabinets, woodworking, painting, building our deck, etc), so I have no doubt he’s going to do a fantastic job. My only concern is how long it’s going to take. 🙂

    I think it’s going to be hard, but that’s just me. Tim would tell you something completely different!

    Stay tuned – never fear, there will be tons more here on this project! I’ll be blogging AD NAUSEUM about it, I’m sure! 😀

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