Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Here we go again!

Do you wish you would spend less or more time…

1. Watching TV and why? Oh my. What a question. On one hand, I do realize I should spend less time watching TV. However, on the realistic side, I know that a) I have always been a TV hound, b) I really enjoy all of the shows I watch, and c) We pay so darn much for cable, I like watching shows and feeling like we’re getting our money’s worth. I love TV.

2. On your computer and why? Good grief. Why did I do this meme today. Again, see the first question…. I know I should spend less time, but I really enjoy it and would secretly prefer to spend even MORE time on the computer than I already do. :mrgreen:

3. With your family and why? Yes, I do. I would like to be able to see both sides more. I want to see Tim’s family more, and mine also. I especially miss Trent, Shanna and the kids, as well as Kathryn and Jeremy. Suzanne and Kirk & Nichole too. I wish they lived closer and we could see them more.

4. Dedicated to your career and why? Ha ha ha ha, haven’t had that good a laugh in weeks! NO, I do NOT miss my career. Do not miss the hours. Do not miss the difficult people. Do not miss the stress. Do not miss the commute. I miss a few select people, but that’s it. No. I am very dedicated to my new career and love it very much – taking care of my health, myself, Tim, the house and our little life. Wouldn’t trade it for the world.

5. Concentrating on yourself and why? Hmmm. I’ve gotten better at that in the last few years when I realized my health was going to be a problem. So, I’m pretty focused there. OK here, I guess.

  1. Gail Said,

    1. I should watch less I guess, but actually, lately we have been watching less.

    2. Yes, these weren’t good questions! I guess should say less for computer too, but I think I am probably on less than you most days anyway!

    3. More time with family 🙂

    4. Career? I think the only one I had was mothering and I do miss that terribly!

    5. hmmmm? not sure how to answer

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