Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Don and Gail

Don and Gail went with a group from their church down to the MS Gulf Coast on Thursday to help with disaster recovery efforts. They originally intended to stay through Saturday, but with Hurricane Rita bringing lots of rain to the coast, they suspended a lot of the work they were doing. So, they headed north on Friday afternoon late, and called to ask to stay here. Which of course, was great! They got here a little after dark, and we got some Papa Johns pizza for supper. We talked about what they had seen down there, and how they were helping out, and also got to see some pictures of what they had seen. We hooked up our Dazzle to our old DVD recorder and were able to view the pictures from Gail’s camera card on our big TV in the den. 🙂 We also watched some of the news on Hurricane Rita, before everyone got tired last night and went to bed. Elizabeth came over this morning, and they all left a little while ago to go shopping. Elizabeth just moved into her new apartment, and needs a few things, so her parents were going to take her shopping to see what they could find to help her out. Aren’t they sweet?! 🙂

We haven’t gotten a single drop of rain from Hurricane Rita yet, and I’m doubtful that we will. We’re too far east. It is very windy and cloudy here though, so we’re not sure what we’ll do today. So far, I think we’re both content to hang around the house a bit. We’ll see how long that holds – Tim gets cabin fever quickly and we may have to venture out later today. 🙂


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