Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Busy Day

I’ve had a busy day today. Spent most of the morning either on the telephone or watching the coverage of Hurricane Rita. I decided I was getting a little obsessive about it, as I always do. So, I headed out this afternoon and ran errands all afternoon. I went to the library and got more books (more on that tomorrow), then to Michaels, where I used this week’s coupon on a fall welcome sign to hang by our front door. Then, I headed to Bed, Bath and Beyond and picked up a Yankee Candle on clearance. After that was the biggie – a huge run to Sam’s. I filled up most of the back of my new Explorer with stuff I bought 🙂

We had supper (soup and sandwiches) and then watched Survivor, the season premiere of CSI and the series premiere of Criminal Minds. Good shows. I’m having a good TV week – Lost last night, Survivor tonight and the season finale of Battlestar tomorrow night. Yippee!

I talked to Gail earlier – she and Don are on the coast with a group from their church, helping out with recovery efforts. They’re trying to decide whether to stay and help, or get out of the way of Hurricane Rita. She heard from Trent and Shanna that they got to her parents ok, so that was a big relief. 🙂


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