Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

80’s Meme

Found these at The Woman Wonders blog a few days ago. Great questions for a child of the 80’s like myself!!

1. Little House on the Prairie or Facts of Life? I loved Little House, read all the books and watched most of the shows, especially the early and middle years of its run on TV.

2. Kirk Cameron or Ricky Schroeder? I liked Kirk Cameron myself 🙂

3. Bon Jovi or Def Leppard? Oh my, loved them both, but I have to go with Def Lep on this one

4. Leg warmers or vests? I don’t remember either one, but I think I probably wore vests before leg warmers!

5. Debbie Gibson or Tiffany? I didn’t particularly like either one, but if pressed, I’d pick Debbie Gibson

6. The Cosby Show or Family Ties? Loved the Cosby Show! I can remember in college, we had a whole group that got together in our lobby of the girls dorm I was in, and watched it every Thursday night. Same thing with Miami Vice on Fridays (wasn’t it Fridays?). Loved those shows!

7. Madonna or Cyndi Lauper? Hmm, liked both, loved neither

8. E. T. or Annie? E. T. all the way. I’ve never seen Annie!

9. Duran Duran or Micheal Jackson? Loved Duran Duran, had several of their cassettes. Never liked MJ that much, and I despise him these days

10. Magic Johnson or Larry Bird? Larry Bird, I was a Celtics fan for a long time!


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