Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Change of Plans

This afternoon I put some stuff for dinner in the crockpot, and it cooked all afternoon. When Tim got in from work, he offered to take me to eat Chinese. Which I have been wanting to do for weeks and weeks. I’ve been begging, pleading, bargaining, etc lately to get him to go eat Chinese with me. So, I put up the food (who knows when we’ll eat it), and we went to our nice little Chinese buffet near our house. I gorged to my heart’s content! Tim got extra double bonus points for sucking it up and taking me. I don’t think he wanted Chinese, but he knew how much I did. What a sweetie pie! 😀

Then, I pushed my luck and asked to go out Lakeland to Hobby Lobby. I had hoped that they had finished stocking all of the scrapbooking stuff, since I had not been in weeks. Apparently, Tim was still in his “earn bonus points” mood, so he took me! My hopes were dashed – I didn’t find anything new. And, in fact, I think they had even less since the last time I was there before, probably in early August. Phooey. We also went to Lowe’s to get some O-rings and A/C filters. Then, we stopped at the big Target to get a shower gift for a friend of Tim’s at work. We made it home in time to watch Battlestar, which was really good. I was so sad to see that next week is the season finale, darn it. I hate that we won’t have new episodes for a while. My only consolation is that Survivor, Lost, Race, etc are all starting up (or have started). Thank goodness!

  1. Gail Said,

    I think I’ve got Tim figured out……he said he’d take you to get Chinese because, he likes to go out to eat on Fridays or weekends and he knew you had cooked already, and the way he could get you to go out to eat was to go get Chinese! Tell him, I’m onto him! 😆

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