Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished a wonderful book!

Last night I finished the book I had started reading before Hurricane Katrina starting bearing down on the coast and New Orleans. The book was “The Shop on Blossom Street” by Debbie Macomber. I had already “gotten into” this book before the storm, but didn’t have much chance to read until the last day or two. I just posted my review of the book here on Hambones. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and plan to check out more books by this author from our library. I loved the characters and the way she told the story, and (always important with me), I approved of the way the book ended!

Next up, I started reading another Harmony book last night, “Signs and Wonder”. I only read a couple of chapters before I fell asleep though! I seem to be really tired these days. This book should go quickly though, if it’s like the other 2 in the series I have read. Each chapter is like a little short story all to itself, so they go very quickly, and it’s a really easy book to pick up and then put down and read in short intervals.

I need to make a trip to the library soon, but we’re still trying to conserve gas. Hopefully, the lines won’t be long when we need to fill up again soon! And, hopefully, most of the gas stations will be open soon. Most of the ones near us have been shut down lately.

P.S. I just realized when I went to update my reading list (Word document) on my computer, that this was #25 for the year. Yeah! Goal reached… although, I have now moved the goal to 30 books for the year. Still — yeah! 😀


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