Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Ordinary Days

I haven’t blogged a whole lot lately, other than the occasional meme, and my daily “A Happy a Day in August”, a challenge I picked up at Big Orange Michael‘s blog. There’s not a whole lot exciting going on, other than the occasional new car and day trip to the in-laws. :mrgreen: Mostly, my days are filled with routine, mundane to most everyone but me, and our days are very ordinary.


I have been thinking about this word a lot lately. I read a blog entry at a scrapbooker’s site (Cathy Zielske), where she referenced something another lady had written at her blog. I’ll put it in the extended (-More-) section for you to read, if you’d like. It really struck a chord with me. These are my days – ordinary. Not to be confused with boring or meaningless or — dare I say — mundane. Although I do live a mundane existence. Which is why I named this blog “Exceedingly Mundane”.

It’s a happy, quiet, content little existence for me. I find great comfort in routine, in schedules, in patterns, in things happening as planned. I am not a spontaneous person. Tim is, and I’ve been slowly learning to adjust to it, but it still goes against my nature. My nature is very business-like, very practical, very much like the mathematics and computer degree I hold (though faded and not used as much these days). Very ordered, 1, 2, 3, 4. Very methodical. Very logical. This brings me great joy, great peace, great contentment. It does not, however, lead to interesting blog entries. 😀 Nor do my hobbies and the things I do during each day to fill my time (and yes, contrary to popular belief, I actually stay very busy). I have too many hobbies, I’m afraid, and therefore am not able to give top billing to any of them at any given time. They all have to fight for my attention, and get a piece of my time, but they all get shorted and none gets as huge a block of time as I’d like. I love to read, I alway have. I love to take photos and “mess” with them, always have. Since I was 12 and got my first camera. I love scrapbooking and recording our memories (which is a must for me, with my terrible memory and all. I’m afraid I’m going to be 70 one day and not remember any of my life, at all). I love to cook and bake. I would do this more, but we would each weigh 500 pounds. I love to watch tv and movies. I love to play on the computer, I have dozens of things that can occupy me for any length of time on the computer. And mostly, the overriding factor, is that I love to spend time with Tim, doing whatever we can together.

All of these are great and wonderful things, but not all that exciting to blog about. So therefore, blog readers, I extend my apologies for not having a happening, exciting blog. This one fits me just fine though, like an old comfortable sweatshirt, and I’ve decided to keep it. 😆

P.S. I’ve also read on several scrapbooker’s blogs that they have and enjoy the book “Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life” by Amy Krouse Rosenthal. I think I will add it to my Amazon wish list (not that I ever get much off of there, but a girl has to have a tangible place to wish and dream!) :mrgreen: There’s a website for the book, including a section of excerpts, which is where I linked to.

This is the original entry at Greta’s blog, Vintage Lifestyle and here’s the referenced entry at scrapbooker Cathy Zielske’s blog:

ordinary days should not be confused with boring. not at all. ordinary is defined as ‘an ordered existence.’

…an ordered existence prepares us for extraordinary circumstances…an ordered existence prepares us for the lowest of lows and the highest of highs…an ordered existence prepares us to minister to others as well as to receive the ministry that others offer.

an order of life is compiled of daily disciplines. brushing our teeth. cleaning the toilets. cooking dinners. reading. praying. developing an active relationship with others and with christ. learning to appreciate the divine. giving back to our communities – to our society.

…an ordered existence makes us content and comfortable with simplicity.

  1. Dawn Said,

    read that book & loved it! and hey…*i* enjoy your blog!

  2. Stacy Said,

    Thank you Dawn!!!!!!!! 😀

  3. Gail Said,

    well, i think you know i enjoy your blog too! one reason i’ve hesitated having one is that i don’t write nearly as well as you! hard for me to do well, and we are so much the same, we would write about the same kind of things too. but that would be ok i suppose.

  4. Amanda Said,

    I enjoy reading your blog, too! Sometimes you get me inspired to do some of that “ordinary” stuff…because you know that my life, as much as I’d like it to be, is not ordered at all!!!

  5. Stacy Said,

    Gail – you can have your own blog any time you want. Tim and I have an ongoing bet about this, you know! :mrgreen: It’s ok if we write about the same things, doesn’t bother me! I like how you always answer the memes and stuff, same thing, except in your own blog instead of a comment!

  6. Stacy Said,

    Amanda – glad to help. If I can inspire at anything, it’s routine, boring mundane stuff! Very important for a semi-obsessive-compulsive person like myself. I like it to rub off on other people :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  7. Marti Said,

    Well, for saying you don’t always have something interesting to blog about…that was interesting! haha Thanks for the suggestions on the books. I’m keeping a list of “to be read” too.

  8. Stacy Said,

    Marti – thank you! 😀 I’m glad you stopped by, hope to see you again soon! As for the books, you can check out all the books I have read and reviewed at our main site — http://www.hambones.org. All of the recipes and reviews (movies and books) are there for all to enjoy! :mrgreen:

  9. Gail Said,

    I just thought I should post another comment, since you have so many already! Just so you would maybe get as many comments as Elizabeth did on her blog, before she wrote something! You said it had to be some kind of record so I wanted you to come close to that!
    Are you there yet?

  10. Stacy Said,

    Thanks Gail, for the added post, to help out my count! But, alas, no – I’m no where near Elizabeth’s first post total. She had 13 on that one, so she’s still the champ! Plus, several of these on this particular post are ones that I have entered, so technically, they probably don’t count! Thanks for trying though, but Liz is still the champ!! :mrgreen:

  11. Gail Said,

    well, i’ll pull for you today! and i can always go back and look for something else to comment on and do it in another post!

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