Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Fun, Fun, Fun for me!

Not everyone would think that what I did today was fun, but to me it was very very very fun!

I went out to our new Hobby Lobby and spent a while there browsing their scrapbook section. I did glance in the seasonal stuff up front – they already have all of their fall and Christmas stuff out, or at least a lot of it. Granted, I didn’t check out the rest of the store, but I will on another trip. Today was all about buying scrapbook stuff!

I showed considerable restraint though, and only bought myself a couple of stickers, one set of chipboard words, and 4 pieces of cardstock. 🙂 I will definitely go back the first time they have a sale on paper, stickers or other embellishments!

While I was there, I heard from Wendy and Tommy, who were in town with Nathan for his doctor’s appointment and shots, and they stayed to do a little shopping. I was so glad I was able to catch up with them, or rather – they were very sweet to come out to HL and meet me! Wendy and I got to visit and chat while Nathan was sleeping (like a beautiful little angel, I might add!), and before they left, he woke up and I got to see his gorgeous big blue eyes, and he even smiled at me some. Well, OK. Truth is he smiled up at his mom several times and I was just sticking my head in there, making him frown. But I saw him smile several times! He’s too cute for words, just gorgeous, Tommy and Wendy are lucky new parents! 🙂

After I left HL, I went to Target to spend my two gift cards I had cashed in for a bunch of my points. Argh, but that was a tactical error – after perusing 7 aisles at HL, the one aisle at Target seemed pretty meager! I found some cute pink paper and stickers though, and bought those, and also got some red Kitchenaid measuring spoons and measuring cups! All with my gift card, plus about $3 out of my pocket. Not bad!

I left and went to another store (shhh, can’t tell) and bought my mother-in-law’s birthday present. 🙂

Then, I went to Sam’s, with the intention of picking up a pizza to cook for supper. It was about 5:15 by then, so I called Tim, and he met me over at Sam’s. We had a pizza in hand and were headed to the check-out line, when Tim spotted ribs up front. So, we changed and came home with ribs, potato salad and garlic bread. Pretty good!

We watched the Saints first preseason game on TV tonight. Plus, Tim taped it, so he can watch it over and over all next week and analyze every play! 😀 Gotta get serious now, it’s preseason and not long till the regular season starts!!!

  1. Gail Said,

    Have you used up all that scrapbooking stuff in your computer room already! Must have if you are buying more stuff 😆
    This must be like sewing (and maybe other things), you just keep buying stuff and storing it and not sewing it up…..just buy it because it’s there and it’s new and you might use it! And pretty soon, we have these big stashes but they don’t seem to get used up as fast as it comes in. 😆

  2. Stacy Said,

    Gail – you hit the nail on the head. I have barely made a dent in my huge mound of supplies. I could scrap for years and probably only need to buy adhesive or a few items. But, that’s not really the point, is it? 😀 Like you said, it’s there, it’s new, I might use it, and most of all, I seem to really WANT it! 🙂 Must be like that with all hobbies, Tim is like this too with his tools, hunting and fishing stuff.

    I tell people all the time – Tim and I are a textbook case of the hunter/gatherer syndrome. He hunts. I gather. 🙂 I gather everything though – toilet paper, food in the pantry, food in the freezer, cookbooks, magazines, scrapbook supplies. You name it, I collect it 😀

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