Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Friday Fiver Meme


The final countdown…

5. Did you follow NASA’s latest space mission? Yes, very closely. From the first delayed launch, to the actual launch, to footage of the tiles going off and the piece of foam, to the spacewalk where they pulled out the filler fabric under the tiles. I did miss the landing as I was still asleep. Am reading today about the new probe that was launched to explore Mars. Watched and read much about the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity and we saw a great presentation on them last summer at the Johnson Space Center. If you can’t tell, I LOVE this stuff!

4. If you could launch a politician into space, and perhaps they wouldn’t make it back, who would it be? Not everyone will agree, but I’d send former President Clinton to Uranus or Pluto, never to return. JMHO

3. Do you believe in an after-life? Absolutely. I believe in life everlasting, that Christ died for my sins and I will spend all eternity in heaven.

2. If there really are aliens, what do you think they look like? Probably like us. I have always maintained that if God created the heavens and earth, who’s to say that he didn’t create more of his children in other places and it’s just not in His plan for us to find them or discover them yet. Maybe not, but I haven’t ruled it out 🙂

1. Have you ever been to Europe? No. But I so very much want to go. England, Scotland and Wales are first. France is next. Then Italy. Then Austria and Switzerland. Spain. Germany. Belgium. I would like to even venture into Scandinavia and go to Sweden, Norway and Finland. Sigh. So many places I want to go!

  1. Gail Said,

    The final countdown….
    5. Did you follow NASA’s latest space mission?
    yes, but missed parts of it.

    4. If you could launch a politician into space, and perhaps they wouldn’t make it back, who would it be?
    So many to choose from! But I guess I pick Bill and Hillary.
    This is really kinda a mean question, even though there are ones you pick.

    3. Do you believe in an after-life?
    Yes! Christ died for our sins and if we accept Him, we will live for eternity with Him.

    2. If there really are aliens, what do you think they look like?
    I have no clue and don’t like to think about aliens!

    1. Have you ever been to Europe?
    Yes! Once, to Germany and Belgium and could see Austria from the top of the mountain! Which is where I really wanted to go but just didn’t quite get there!

  2. Suzanne Said,

    5. Did you follow NASA’s latest space mission?
    On XM radio broadcasts while driving.

    4. If you could launch a politician into space, and perhaps they wouldn’t make it back, who would it be?
    You really shouldnt’ have put this up !!
    George Bush, Stacy’s and Kirks President…….need I say more?

    3. Do you believe in an after-life?

    2. If there really are aliens, what do you think they look like?
    They wouldn’t look like me. I am unique, I am special !

    1. Have you ever been to Europe?
    No but thinking about going next year. I still have this goal to see all 50 states, and I will bet of all sisters, I have seen the most !!

  3. Gail Said,

    How many have you been to? I think we have been to about 30, still have a ways to go!

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