Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Sturgis Motorcycle Rally::

Onesome: Sturgis- Have you ever been there, or anywhere else in South Dakota? Want to see where Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up in her Little Town on the Prairie? Or have you taken in Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills? Nope, I’ve never been anywhere near that part of the country. Would love to go though. We want to go to all 50 states, and both Mt Rushmore and the Black Hills are on the list. I doubt I can get Tim to stop at Laura Ingalls Wilder’s house, but it will be worth a try. After all, if we make it that far….

Twosome: Motorcycle- Ever owned or ridden on a motorcycle? Do you aspire to ownership now? Ever wanted to hit the open rode and just go? NO. Most Definite NO! I feel very strongly about the dangers of motorcycles. Tim, however, wants one and it’s a fight we have fairly often. I have this terrible fear that his mid-life crises is not going to be a sports car, but a motorcycle. I think the things are the kiss of death, I don’t want him anywhere near one.

Threesome: Rally- v. to muster for a common purpose- Ever been to a large rally of any sort? A church rally, motorcycle rally or even a big family reunion? Or how about a road rally? Where did you go? Was a good time had by all? Hmm, I’ve been to big family reunions (Tim’s side, obviously). I’ve been to midnight sing’s by Christian singers on Thanksgiving weekend. But a rally, not sure you’d call any of those a rally.

  1. Gail Said,

    ::Sturgis Motorcycle Rally::

    Onesome: Sturgis- Have you ever been there, or anywhere else in South Dakota? Want to see where Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up in her Little Town on the Prairie? Or have you taken in Mount Rushmore and the Black Hills?
    Yes! We have been to Rushmore, it is great and I recommend going….you and Tim would love it. The year we went there, 1992, we drove and had a brand new BIG van! On the way up to South Dakota, we started seeing motorcycles, more and more the closer we got and wondered why. When we got to Sturgis, we suddenly knew why! We had gone in August and that is apparantly when they have that huge bike rally there. We didn’t stay there, just passed through. Stayed in a state park close to Rushmore and we also visited the Badlands National Park on the way to Mt. Rushmore. I don’t think we have been to anything Laura Ingalls Wilder in South Dakota but I do think we have been to one of her homes before, either in Missouri or Arkansas and I can’t remember which or why we were there! Most of us liked it, but a few weren’t taken with it!

    Twosome: Motorcycle- Ever owned or ridden on a motorcycle? Do you aspire to ownership now? Ever wanted to hit the open rode and just go?
    NO, do not want to own one! I have ridden on one and felt like I was going to fall off the whole time I was on! Don is just about to bust to get one! And now, David is on that same bandwagon and says he is buying one whether we get him one or not……….not! Don thinks it would be great fun for us to get on it and go on trips! These boys………. what are they thinking!

    Threesome: Rally- v. to muster for a common purpose- Ever been to a large rally of any sort? A church rally, motorcycle rally or even a big family reunion? Or how about a road rally? Where did you go? Was a good time had by all?
    Don has been to the big Promise Keepers rally that was in D.C. a few years back and said it was awesome. I have been to a few big church rally type things or events, where there were speakers and people to lead music. There have lots of times been some big something like that going on when we travel to some of these big cities. Years ago, when we went to Munich, there was some huge rally going on in the Marienplatz…..we didn’t understand a word that was being said! But we did get the idea that it wasn’t exactly pro American! I have seen similar things in NYC before too.

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