Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Blog Blahs

Well, I haven’t been able to think of anything remotely interesting to write about lately (like that’s all that different from any other day, week or month!!). And it’s just a “same ole, same ole” kind of week, so nothing to report in the way of dates, shopping or something fun or exciting (like a new car!!) Not that I have those very often at all. I lead a very mundane existence. Happy, peaceful and quiet, but mundane. And I have no knack for writing catchy or thought-provoking blog entries. I seem to write just the way I talk, matter of fact, practical and very long-winded!

Click the -More- if you want to read a few blah things that are going on with us!

Tim didn’t have to work last night, which was wonderful. He’s on-call and has only gotten called once so far (very good) and didn’t have to do the normal Tuesday night conference call, which was quite unexpected. Since he wasn’t up late last night, we were able to stumble out of bed this morning and go for our walk. Chalk up two miles for today!

Note to self, for future reference – I got Tim to help me flip the mattress this morning. I wash sheets on Wednesdays and I’ve been thinking for several weeks that it’s time to flip the mattress. Our mattress and box springs are about 6 or 7 years old, and so they are starting to get softer and more lumpy. I try to get him to help me flip them every few months. Note to self – flipped both end to end and side to side on 8/10/05. I can use the “Search” function with WordPress to find this later on, and remember when we flipped it last!

Been busy in the mornings with trivia and the website. Gail was so great about posting trivia for the entire month of July, that I had a nice long break and had almost actually forgotten how much time it takes to do trivia! Thanks again Gail!

Took some deer meat out for Tim for supper tonight (I’ll have salmon). It’s time to start cleaning out what is left from last year, it’s all getting old (most was shot in Nov or Dec of last year), and the freezer will need cleaning out to make room for whatever he shoots this year. Fall and winter can’t come soon enough for me. I wish we lived in a climate where we actually had a fall and cool weather. Or a winter with a chance of snow. Alas. Mississippi is not that kind of place. I’m ready for jeans and sweatshirts, soups and homemade bread, football, holidays and birthdays, and all the favorite things of the fall and winter – my absolute favorite time of year!

We’ve been busy at night, watching movies and tapes. Tim is watching football tapes every day – morning (over breakfast), evening (when he gets in while I’m cooking) and night (while I’m reading, playing on the computer or scrapping). We’ve also found several movies that we had on VHS that weren’t marked. I taped them off a free movie weekend we had on cable several years ago. Funny how they don’t do those anymore. With digital cable, TIVO, video rental stores and online rentals, I guess those things are a thing of the past. Anyway, we’ve watched Thomas Crown (which we also now own on DVD), Double Jeopardy and a Bond movie. Nice to find something to watch that we didn’t’ know we had! Runaway Bride was on one of those VCR tapes, but somehow, I couldn’t convince Tim to watch that one with me!! 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    You don’t have to wait for fall to make soup, but we’ve had that discussion before! I made soup yesterday, for David! Of course, I think I’ve eaten more of it than him…..baked potato soup because he can’t eat much since he had surgery yesterday to get his wisdom teeth out!
    He also watched (or mostly watched) the last 2 movies I have of yours Stacy and I didn’t get to see them! He started one when we first got home and I couldn’t watch then and then they started Pirates last night and didn’t tell me! And I don’t like to start watching in the middle.

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