Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

“I’ve got you…
…under my skin”::

Onesome: Under– Water? Have you ever gone scuba diving? Any interest?…or does that sort of thing just not work for you? Never been scuba diving. If I have my way, I won’t ever go. I can barely swim and the water plainly terrifies me. So do sharks and jellyfish. So no, that sort of things just does not work for me! 🙂

Twosome: my– gosh, it seems to have been hot since forever! How are you doing with the weather this Summer? OK, as long as I stay inside in the AC. That one week when it was so unbearably hot, I didn’t want to go out at all. It’s been better lately, but heck, August just started! It’s warm here through October. Lots of times I hand out candy on Halloween in shorts with my short sleeve orange pumpkin t-shirt!

Threesome: skin– Do you ‘skin’ your site? What styles do you prefer when you have the option at someone’s place? Simple? …or loaded with graphics? Well, I “borrow” premade skins/themes from other sites (most notably Alex King’s WordPress site) and either use them as is, or modify them slightly. I haven’t learned CSS yet, but I hope to. I want to work on that and make more designs for my blog and for others that we host on our site. :mrgreen: One day. I seem to have too many hobbies, too many interests and not enough discipline!


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