Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Out and About Today

I got out and about today in my new car – went to the bank, video store and grocery shopping. I have another “happy a day” to add to my list – my local Walmart is now back to carrying the kind of soda Tim likes to drink (Cherry Coke) and the kind of chips I like to buy (Sun Chips). The last two or three times I was there, they didn’t have either and I was rather bummed. I’m happy to report they had them both today!

What I wasn’t happy about was the other things on my list that they were out of, including raisins in a resealable bag (just boxes and a huge canister), whole wheat angel hair pasta and my very favorite Morningstar Corn Dogs. I like to have these sometimes on Fridays, as a splurge, and I have eaten all the ones out of my freezer. Darn, I was looking forward to those! 🙂 I think they still carry them, but were just out.

It was sprinkling when I came out of Walmart, so the new red Explorer got some water dribbled on it. Of course, when I got to my house, it was dry, but we did get a brief (5 minute) shower during lunch, so I won’t complain a bit. The good news here is that I now know where the windshield wipers are on the new car. 😀

I hope Tim won’t be too late tonight. He has to work tonight starting at 11 PM, and I hope he gets home early and can rest and relax before it’s time to crank up his laptop and jump back into things. I hope to get some reading done tonight, as well. My deadline of returning library books is fast approaching (Friday) and I’m only about 1/2 way through my current book (“Big Stone Gap” by Adriana Trigiani). The other two I checked out were audio books. I ripped one to my PC and transferred to my iPod, but I don’t like the narrator’s voice (it grates on my nerves!), so I’m not sure that I’ll listen to it. Maybe I’ll check the hardback book out instead!

  1. Gail Said,

    Does your new explorer fit into your garage to get it out of the rain?

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