Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Now, it’s a feast of memes on Friday! I haven’t been able to find as many lately, and I’ve been wondering if the way of the meme is dying a slow death in the blogosphere. Then, I go look this morning and find several I want to do.

So buckle your seat belt, here we go! As always, please feel free to post your answers in a comment, or put them on your own blog 😀

First up, from Stacy’s blog, the Aloha Friday Meme:

How often do you clean your house? Well, I have a routine of certain things I clean on certain days. For example – Mondays are vacuuming and dusting days. Tuesdays are towels and bathrooms day. Etc. You get the picture. I do something every day, cleaning or laundry or both, and try to stay ahead of the game. I don’t do “deep cleaning” very often – moving furniture to vacuum under them, cleaning windows inside or out (actually, I NEVER clean the windows), etc.

How much water do you drink every day? I’ve been working really hard on this lately. This week, I’ve aimed for 3 big bottles a day, 72 oz total. I hit that 2 or 3 days, and the other days I had at least two, which was 48 oz. It’s an uphill struggle for me, but I’m trying to climb it.

Mixing things up again…what DVD should we add to our summer viewing list? We just rented Miss Congeniality II the other day and I thought it was light and cute and sweet, similar to the first one, but maybe a wee bit better. One of my favorites out of our collection that is so heartwarming to me is the David Duchovny/Minnie Driver movie “Return to Me”. Very charming and sweet in an old-fashioned kind of way.

  1. Dawn Said,

    oh! oh! oh! you are the only person i’ve ever heard mention that movie! i always mention it & people think i’m insane. “david duchovny & minnie driver? did a movie? together??” i love that movie. so happy-sad & so sweet. breaks my heart when the pup keeps waiting at the door for his wife to come home.

  2. Stacy Said,

    Hey Dawn – I love that movie too! It’s so sweet and old-fashioned. They “don’t make movies like that any more” :mrgreen: It breaks my heart too with her big dog… so sweet!

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