Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tim & Work

Tim is working so hard this week. He basically worked all weekend, with them calling him Friday night, Saturday afternoon and night, and Sunday evening, where he worked till 2 AM Monday morning. He got called twice on Monday evening, but was able to just get away with a phone call, not logging in and working for a while.

Tuesday was a different story though. He was at the office until nearly 7:30 PM and then got on the conference call last night a little before 11 PM. They just called and woke him up and he’s back at it again this morning. I don’t think he quite got 7 hours of sleep, but I could be wrong. Tim can get by on less sleep than I can, so we’re just really lucky that it’s not me doing all this late night and on-call work!

I hope that his week gets better from here on out, but I’m starting to really have my doubts. He says they are really having a lot of problems with this conversion, and as long as there are problems, he’ll be working.


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