Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

1. What book are you currently reading? Nothing at the moment. I’ve read 19 since the Super Bowl ended and although I’m ready to get back into reading, I’m going to stop for a bit and concentrate on a) going through old magazines piled up and cleaning them out and b) trying to get back into my scrapbooking

2. Have you ever experienced the loss of a pet? How did you deal with it? Would you get a new pet, and why? Yes, I took the loss of Sally very very hard. I’ve been ready to get another dog for over 1 1/2 years now, but Tim is not ready. No cats, but I want a dog!

3. Is anyone in your family in the armed services? Not currently. My father served in the Navy, Tim’s dad served in the Army, and Tim served in the Air Force, so we’re pretty well represented. Tim and I are both very patriotic.

4. If you have or have had a girlfriend/boyfriend, did you tell your parents about her/him without them prying for the information? Usually, I always tried to be fairly forthcoming with my parents about most things. I think I told them about Tim after we’d been dating a month or two and knew it was serious.

5. What was your favorite childhood pet and tell me a few things about it. Chessie, my first golden retriever. She was smart, sweet, perpetually happy like all goldens. She used to sit on the patio and put her head up on the brick ledge looking in the back glass door, and sit and watch what was going on in the den, where all her “people” were. She always looked so sad and I know she was just thinking, why don’t they come outside and PLAY with me!

6. Have you ever been in love? Yes. For over 10 years now with the world’s greatest guy. 😀

7. What’s your favorite activity? Hmm, any time I spend with Tim is great, but I’m a serious computer/Internet addict. Obviously.

  1. Dawn Said,

    i played here too!:mrgreen:

  2. Stacy Said,

    Fun, Dawn, glad you stopped by and played along! Have a great day,

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