Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Fun Quiz to try

OK, I was reading other people’s blogs (I do this a lot, that’s where I get all of these other fun things, besides the memes, like quizzes and lists and nonsense and such). Here’s the latest one I found – a test to see if you are more Dixie or more Yankee!

Click Here to go take it for yourself! Then, come back and post a comment with your score.

My score was 83% and it wanted to know if I had any Confederate ancestors :mrgreen:

I took it twice, and the first time I only scored 69%. Then I changed the toilet paper rolling answer from “toilet-papering” to “rolling” and it jumped way up! 🙂

Have fun!

  1. Gail Said,

    i used your rolling the first time and got 84%! did it again and used different answer for that question and it was i think, 66% but said, definitive southern!

  2. Suzanne Said,

    I got a 62%………….guess I need more Chicago, Midwest exposure to drop that Southern Drawl !!!

  3. Amanda Said,

    91% (Dixie). Is General Lee your father?:lol:

    This is not surprising, since I use so much southern slang….

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