Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

YEA! It’s Raining

It’s Raining! I haven’t been this glad to see rain in a while!

I resisted the urge yesterday to pull out the sprinklers again and water all the grass, flowers and shrubs. This morning, I really struggled with it, because everything is so dry, but the Weather Channel kept saying it would probably rain here. Ha, they are usually wrong, but this time they got it right. It’s raining right now, and I’m so glad. Everything needed water so badly, and I’m so grateful for the rain!

We might get more in the next couple of days from Hurricane Dennis, but you never know. They predicted we would get rain 3 or 4 days ago from Tropical Storm Cindy, but we were too far west and didn’t get a drop. Dennis is much bigger and stronger though, so hopefully we will get some more much needed rain from him. I am so glad we don’t live in an area that will be impacted by the hurricane, and I feel for those who do. We’re so north and west of where most of the storms make landfall that we don’t get much bad weather, just rain.

Well, the rain is about to abate, but that’s ok. A good 10-15 minute shower is probably better for my grass than an hour of running the sprinklers! 🙂


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