Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Meme #2

And, another one that I swiped from Stacy’s blog “Outwit, Outblog, Outsnark.” I love her blog! Thanks Stacy!

Aloha Friday Meme

Everyone’s got a closet or drawer full of t-shirts. What do some of yours say or where are they from?

Let’s see… one of my favorite ones is an old soft Peacekeeper t-shirt of Tim’s from (oh, about) 15 years ago. 🙂 Another one that I have almost outgrown (and Tim used to wear it, in the military), is a red one with his nickname on it — Hambone! 😀 Also, I have tons of Old Navy flag t-shirts, as we buy a new one every year for the 4th of July. Some of my other faves are ones from the Gluckstadt German Festival here every fall, some USM ones, and an old one from an Eric Clapton concert we went to in the late 90’s (97 or 98).

What are some of your favorite movie quotes?

I have mosted of them listed in the Random Quote file on the homepage of Hambones. Tim and I love several of the ones from O Brother (Do NOT Seek the Treasure, and “Those coppers will never take me alive”). I also love a bunch from Lord of the Rings, including the one where Strider (Aragon) explains about the Nazgul and how they seek the ring. I love Boromir’s line as he is dying, to Aragorn “I would have followed you My Brother, My Captain, My King”. Oh, and “As you Wish” from Princess Bride. And I love doing the “Ghost” thing and telling Tim “Ditto” when he says he loves me or says something sweet. 🙂 And the list goes on and on. There are several from Matrix I like, and “You can’t HANDLE the truth” from “A Few Good Men”.

Go to the homepage of Hambones and keep hitting refresh and it will cycle through several of them. I have lots of other quotes on there, from books and poems and stuff too, but a lot of them are from movies. We watch a LOT of movies!

Spread the spirit of aloha…whom should we visit this week? Why, Stacy of course!


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