Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Meme #1

I haven’t done a meme in a while, since before we left on vacation. I sorta miss doing them, I like some of them a lot!

Here’s two for today… The first one comes from this site:

1. How did you learn about yesterday’s bombings in London? Tim and I got up and went walking at 6 AM. When we got in, we got a bowl of cereal for breakfast, and we always sit down in the den and turn on the morning news (or Tim will often watch ESPN or the History Channel, but I prefer the news). It was, of course, splashed over every national and cable channel. Horrible.

2. Do you have any personal connections to the area? None, except a lifelong desire to visit London, all of England and Scotland. The one place I want to go before I die. I’m a serious Anglophile.

3. Do you use public transportation? Not normally. However, we just got back from our vacation to Washington DC, where we rode the Metro several times a day. There weren’t any men toting rifles when we were there, or police with bomb-sniffing dogs, although I know they are there now.

4. Have you ever let threats of terrorism change the way that you live each day? No, I guess we live under this cloud that they would never want to bomb anything where we live. Out of the way small Southern town, nothing here, why on earth would they bomb something in Mississippi?

5. If you could say something directly to the person or group responsible for this tragedy, what would you say? Let go of your hatred and realize that you are killing innocent people. I know the God or religion you believe in CANNOT condone this.


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