Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


It should come as no surprise to anyone that knows him, to know that Tim is a very hardworking individual. I’m always calling him a Type-A, because he is. Very focused. Very driven. Even in his off-time. He usually feels the need to fill his time with something, usually productive and workaholic in nature. Not me – I like to kick back, enjoy life, watch the birds, smell the flowers, that kind of thing. I love nothing more than curling up in one of our big chairs by the fireplace with a book. Not Tim – things like that drive him NUTS!

So, it came as no surprise to me that on his first day back to work yesterday, he didn’t make it in until about 8:30 PM. They had problems at work and he stayed to work on them. He got in, changed clothes, grilled some chicken for us outside, ate supper, then immediately got up and went to work on Hambones. I went to bed about 10:40 and I was sound asleep not long after. I asked him what time he got to bed last night (this morning) and he said, “I don’t know, 12 or 12:30 maybe?”. That’s my Tim. Focused, driven, hard-working. I love him to pieces and even though it irritates me at times, I am very happy and grateful that he works so hard on things for us. He’s a wonderful provider and a great handyman and lots of other wonderful, mooey-gooey, gushy things that I won’t elaborate any further on. 😀


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