Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

How very timely!

::Road Trip With No Stops::

Onesome: Road Trip– How do you feel about road trips? I mean, no planning, no prep, just up, up and away! Have you had any good ones? Lately? Love road trips, except ours are usually well-planned. Tim does a lot better with spontaneous than I do. We took 2 road trips/vacations last year and are leaving in less than a week for our big trip this year. Tim and I prefer to drive on vacation, and spend that time together in the car. We have worked out a really good routine through the years, and travel really well together. 🙂

Twosome: With– Ah! Who do you/would you/could you take a road trip with? …and where would you be off to? We can go anywhere, and plan to one day! We want to visit all 50 states, although we will fly to some! We have found we don’t travel as well with other people, and not very well at all with kids. Slows us down too much 🙁

Threesome: No Stops– Do you drive non-stop when you take your planned trips, stretching your endurance to the limit of your bladder? …or do you have your rest stops pre-programmed into your itinerary? Tim is a very type-A focused kind of person and he gets in the car and wants to go, go, go. That is more apparent on the way home, he is a bit more loose on the trip out, but very focused on getting home on the return trip. We stop for fast food breaks, but go through drive-throughs and keep going. Then we try to combine pit stops with gas fill-ups, although Tim is usually pretty good about stopping for me if I can’t wait! He is like a camel, whereas I think my bladder must be the size of a small pea! 😀


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