Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I woke up this morning with a bit of an earache. I have been noticing for the past several days (or maybe a week or more) that my ear was starting to feel stopped up. I have had this most all of my life. As gross as it is, here’s the plain truth – I’m a “high wax” producer, as my ENT says. I produce more ear wax than normal people and my body doesn’t “dispose” of it like regular people do. Mine builds up and has to be periodically cleaned out. I try the drops at home from time to time, and they help some, but it usually builds to a point where I have to go to the doctor and have them clean them out.

I called my ENT here in Ridgeland this morning and was promptly informed that my doctor “doesn’t do that irrigation method” any more. Apparently it’s “out of date”. Well. Hmmph. Whatever. Plus, he’s booked up for 3 weeks and I don’t want to wait that long. I guess he’s not my ENT any more! 🙂 Anyway, I called the MEA clinic here and they have the equipment (or so the receptionist said when she came back from hold, she SAID she checked) to flush out my ears and irrigate the ear canal and clean out the built up wax. I am going to give the drops another day or two, but then I think I’m going to have to go to the clinic and get them cleaned out properly. It’s not an earache per se, in that it’s not throbbing or painful. It’s just that it’s stopped up, I can’t hear out of it well, it sort of rings like a vacuum in there, or the sound you hear when you stick a big seashell up to your ear. 🙂 It’s just really annoying and I don’t want to leave on vacation with it like this.

Ok, on to more topics. I’m sure that was gross and boring and tedious. If you want more tedium, click the -More- link to hear about what the Air Conditioning repair guy said and did last night to our AC unit, and also to hear about my day. Consider yourself warned!

Tim got home early yesterday, since the AC repair guy was supposed to be here by 5:30. Well, no phone call till about 6:45 or so and he said he got hung up, and would be here soon. He got here a bit after 7:00 and Tim went out with him. He came in once and forced the air off, and then the guy apparently added a lot of freon to it, and when he came in and cranked it back on, it was noticeably cooler blowing out of the vents. So that was a relief! The unit is 12 years old (like our house), and will probably need to be replaced soon. This guy told Tim that the average life span of most compressors is 8-12 years, and so we’re doing good. But, he said he has seen many go 15 or more years, so you never know. I got Tim to ask him about a leak (since we just had it checked 2 summers ago and filled with freon then) and the guy said we very well could have a leak. But for what it would take for him to find it and fix it, and considering the age of our unit, we’d be better off to put our money towards a newer, more energy efficient unit. So Tim wants to do that. We can easily afford to pour more freon into it for a couple more years, until it’s time to replace it.

I think with the age of our house, and all of the major appliances with it, we’re going to have to start upgrading and replacing things a lot in the not-too-distant future.

Tim worked all night again last night on Hambones. He got several other issues resolved. Since he was holed up in the computer room, I read. I finished my other book “Hot Six” by Janet Evanovich. I finished it in two days, and it was a good, easy quick read as always. I took all 3 books back to the library today, and refrained (difficult though it was!) from checking out any more. I’ll go back and get more when we get back from vacation.

After I finished my book, it wasn’t bedtime, so I started going through old magazines. I have over 2 years of old magazines piled up around here in baskets and magazine racks. Time to start purging those again. I got through 4 or 5 last night and was very proud of myself. I can’t decide whether to throw them in the garbage or try to put in a garage sale for real cheap. Does anyone know if magazines will sell at a garage sale? Or just books? Is it worth a try or should I just toss them? They are magazines like Good Housekeeping, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, Health and Southern Living.

As I said in the beginning of this post, I woke up today with my ear stopped up. I had to leave early and go get my hair done. After that, I went to the library and dropped my books back, and then headed to our new Dollar Tree, next door to Walmart. Got some cheap gift bags and tissue paper in there for Father’s Day. Then, I went to Walmart to pick up a few things and some groceries. Tim volunteered us to bring drinks, sausage and Gail’s crunchy slaw to the Father’s Day cookout on Sunday, so I needed to get all the stuff to make the slaw and the sausage. I also picked up some base coat, as we discussed here last week. Thanks, ladies, for the advice. I’ll try it out soon, maybe this weekend.

I’ve spent the afternoon putting up groceries, picking up the house, talking on the phone and IM’ing with Shanna – whose birthday it is today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANNA!!! Hope you have a great day and a great weekend girl!

Tim will be home soon, and I think we’re going to go out and eat. I had tortilla soup on the menu, but have gotten caught up on other things and haven’t gotten it started. So, out to eat we go. Cooking on a Friday night and getting Tim to stay in and eat it is like fighting a tide during a tsunami. Next to impossible. He loves to eat out on the weekend. And I do too, truth be told. I’m not sure where we will go. He’s thinking Mexican (I just IM’d with him to see if he wanted Greek, I want to go to Vasilios, but maybe we can go there tomorrow). We have to go out to Harbor Freight (yuck) tonight and get his dad a gift card for Father’s Day. So, we may go eat at one of my favorite Mexican places on Lakeland Drive. This place makes the best shrimp quesadilla!

  1. Gail Said,

    I have no clue if magazines sell at carport sales, but I say give them away if you don’t want to throw them away……maybe an office or waiting room might want them, hospital waiting room or something like that maybe?

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