Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome Meme

::Calling in Sick::

Onesome: I can’t come in– Have you ever locked yourself out of the house or the car? How’d it happen, and how did you get back in? I can’t ever remember locking myself out of the house or car. I think I’m too anal about checking, about having my keys in my hand, and then locking the car with my remote on my keyring. If I have ever done it in the past, I have no recollection of it. 🙂

Twosome: to work today– What is your dream job and why? To be a mom. Not gonna happen though.

Threesome: because I…– What’s the worst excuse you’ve ever given or heard of for not going into work/ school? Why did you really call in? Geesh, I was the most conscientious school kid and office worker on the planet. I can remember only cutting a class a few times in college – and that was for a freshman level computer class they added to my computer minor program track, that I had to go back and take when I was a senior. I could have taught the class to the freshman. My teacher (who was also my advisor and the department head) once asked me after class, why are you coming, you don’t have to come to this class. So I finally started cutting one day a week or so and even then I felt guilty. I don’t think I ever called into work sick when I wasn’t and would most often go into work even though I was sick. Must be that work-ethic from Fred and Dodie that was pounded into me growing up. :mrgreen:

  1. Gail Said,

    Onesome: I can’t come in– Have you ever locked yourself out of the house or the car? How’d it happen, and how did you get back in?
    yes, not often but i have done it. and stacy you need to experience it so you can know how all the rest of the world feels when we do that! don got us all magnetic key boxes that we can keep in strategic locations outside, that we keep extra house and car keys in so that if anyone does get locked out, we can go get the extra key!

    Twosome: to work today– What is your dream job and why?
    to be a back up singer, maybe for you know who! oh how fun! or maybe a dancer, have always wanted to do that. or oh, oh, oh, maybe on broadway, that would be great! can’t pick just one!

    Threesome: because I…– What’s the worst excuse you’ve ever given or heard of for not going into work/ school? Why did you really call in?
    don’t know that i can answer this one since i haven’t worked in so long, so i don’t think i have an answer here.

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