Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Hambones is back up!

YEAH! Hambones is back up and running, thanks to all of Tim’s hard work. He worked about 14 hours yesterday and last night, off and on, on upgrading the site. Well, not really an upgrade. He wiped the server clean and started over with a newer version of SUSE, the Linux software we use. He got all of the data back, and still has a few things to work on in the background (email and other components), but for the most part, for what regular users see and use — it is all back and all fine. He has a lot of things he still wants to do, but nothing (hopefully!) that will affect users. We’ve been down quite a bit the last week or so, and we apologize for that. Hopefully it will be a bit before we have to take the site down again. When we get a new hard drive, we’ll take it down again, but maybe we can put that off until we get back from vacation.

It was nice having him home yesterday, even though he was mostly locked away in the computer room day and night. 🙂 He went back to work today, and I imagine it was a nice break for him! He will have to leave on time today, as we have an air conditioning service guy coming out this afternoon. Our AC unit is running constantly, and it is taking several hours to drop the temperature by one degree in the house. Tim and I are both worried that we’ll burn up the compressor at that rate! We hope it’s just low on freon or needs cleaning or maintenance. I don’t even want to think what a new heating/cooling unit is going to cost us if it has to be replaced. Everybody keep their fingers crossed! 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    hooray, because i don’t think we could possibly function without it!!

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