Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Number Meme

I do quite a bit of blog-surfing, and I frequently run across memes, quizzes and questionnaires that I like, and want to do in my blog. I found this one a few weeks ago, and filed it away “for a rainy day”. šŸ˜€ I really like this one, although for most of you, it’s a little on the long side. I have seen it several places, but I believe the first place was at Denise Pauley’s blog (she’s a scrapbooker). šŸ™‚

It counts down, so click on the -More- link if you want to see the whole thing. šŸ˜€

Ten things I do everyday:

1. Eat breakfast
2. Watch TV
3. Check my email and check on Hambones
4. Tell Tim “I love you”
5. Worry about something
6. Read something (newspaper, magazine, book, mail)
7. Brush my teeth
8. Take a shower or bath
9. Take all my meds
10. Sleep

Nine favorite shows of all time:
{in no particular order}

1. Mad About You
2. The Cosby Show
3. Bonanza
4. Little House on the Prairie
5. Happy Days
6. Sisters
7. Survivor
8. Amazing Race
9. 7th Heaven

Eight junk food favorites:

1. Soft Drinks (Dr Pepper, IBC root beer, Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, etc)
2. Pizza (pepperoni & mushroom or All the Meats)
3. Chili Cheese Fritos
4. Chili Cheese Fries (maybe some ranch dressing in there too!)
5. Funyuns
6. Banana Splits or Hot Fudge Sundaes
7. M&M’s
8. Anything chocolate!

Seven things that bug me:

1. People who pull out in front of my car and make me slam on brakes
2. People who block intersections at traffic lights
3. People who come up behind me in checkout lines, in my space, crowding me
4. Inconsiderate people
5. People who don’t keep their word or their promise
6. All the dust in my house!
7. Bugs and critters in my house and yard!

Six songs I love this minute:

1. Since U Been Gone by Kelly Clarkson
2. Lonely No More by Rob Thomas
3. Incomplete by the Backstreet Boys
4. Mississippi Girl by Faith Hill
5. Making Memories of Us by Keith Urban
6. Anything but Mine by Kenny Chesney

Five things I want:

{note the word want, not need!}

1. mp3 player (and sound dock, fm transmitter, etc)
2. PDA
3. tile in the kitchen and hardwood/Pergo in the living room, dining room & foyer
4. a dog
5. new digital camera with more megapixels

Four facts about me:

1. I love to make lists
2. I love to make piles (it hides the mess better!)
3. I love chocolate
4. I try to be very considerate of other people

Three wishes:

1. I wish we could have had children
2. I want to go to England, Scotland and Wales
3. I want to take an Alaskan cruise

Two people I wish I could see again:

1. My mom
2. My grandmother Presh

One thing Iā€™m looking forward to:

1. Spending the rest of my life with Tim šŸ™‚


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