Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Sunday Brunch Meme

Sunday Brunch
Sunday, June 12

Are you game?
“Computer games don’t affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music.” -Marcus Brigstocke

1) What is your favorite board game? Trivial Pursuit! I also like the new Scene It we got at Christmas, same type game but with a DVD in addition to the board.

2) What type of games are your favorite? (ie, board, card, participatory, dice, word games) Some of each – I like Trivial Pursuit, Mexican train dominoes and Tim’s card game of Liverpool rummy

3) How many games do you own, and if possible, list them. We own quite a few but rarely play them. Some of them, Tim won’t play with me (like Boggle, Upwords, any kind of word games). We have 2-3 Trivial Pursuits, Scene It, Uno Attack, Parcheesi, and a couple of others.

4) Do you enjoy computer or video games? Which one is your favorite? Yes, but I don’t play them as much as I could. I went through a Zuma phase (online) and then a Text Twist one. I haven’t played much lately, except the odd game of Mah Johngg now and then.

5) Describe a great childhood memory of an outside game. Well. I don’t have a lot of childhood memories, certainly not of playing games with other people. I have a vague memory of playing crochet, but I think I mostly played alone.

P.S. I can’t wait to see Gail’s answers, I know that Scrabble is going to be in there somewhere!! 🙂

  1. Gail Said,

    oh yeah, scrabble rules!

    1) What is your favorite board game?
    scrabble and trivial pursuit, but can’t get much of anyone to play scrabble with me!

    2) What type of games are your favorite? (ie, board, card, participatory, dice, word games)
    no card games for me! don’t like them and i’m terrible at them! i like board games and word games…..aren’t most games participatory?

    3) How many games do you own, and if possible, list them.
    yep, probably too many to list. scrabble of course! and travel scrabble, 4 trivial pursuit games, scene it, scattergories, taboo, pictionary (like that one too), balderdash (fun!), boggle, upwords, rummikub, chinese checkers, chess/checkers, marble board (a really old big wooden board that i think is basically parcheesi), risk the game of global domination! (as liz & trent call it!)
    not to mention numerous children’s games around here still……….enough?!!

    4) Do you enjoy computer or video games? Which one is your favorite?
    computer ones, and i mostly like tangleword.

    5) Describe a great childhood memory of an outside game.
    childhood memory, what is that!
    i think i might have played board games then and i think i remember playing monopoly outside once with a friend! does that count! and i think i also have a vague memory of playing croquet as well and we still like it today and own a croquet set. its fun for us when the kids are home.

  2. Amanda Said,

    1) What is your favorite board game?
    Trivial Pursuit, Scategories, Taboo and Guestures. Also love to play Scrabble and Upwords with my grandmother. I only like to play those with her. She almost always beats me but I don’t mind it so much. I just enjoy spending time with her.

    2) What type of games are your favorite? (ie, board, card, participatory, dice, word games)
    Love Rook and Spades (both card games), but can hardly ever get anyone to play. Love board games, word games, etc. Just love games!

    3) How many games do you own, and if possible, list
    Tons….we have most of the ones on Gail’s list. We don’t have Scene It, but loved playing it a few times with both sides of the family.

    4) Do you enjoy computer or video games? Which one is your favorite?
    Never really got into either of those. Mark would gasp, since he really used to love video games. I can’t compete with him on those as I never really had one growing up. I did used to like playing Mario Brothers on my cousins Nintendo when we were young. He’d whip my tail in it too! Of course that’s all he used to do was sit around and play video games.

    5) Describe a great childhood memory of an outside game.
    When I was really young, 2nd through 5th grades, we lived in a couple apartment complexes full of kids. I used to LOVE to play hide and seek! We’d play in the dark. Year round. Loved playing water games in the pool. Loved scavenger hunts (not sure if that’s considered a game or not). We played dodge ball, but I wasn’t very good at it and didn’t really like to play.

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