Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Yes, we ate out again!

Well, it’s pretty late on a Friday night. It hasn’t started to rain here yet (tropical storm Arlene is supposed to hit the Gulf Coast sometime late tomorrow), and I’m starting to have my doubts as to whether we will get much rain at all. These things usually go east of us.

Tim got home at a fairly decent time tonight, about 6:00 PM. They had some of the big bosses in from Dallas today and had meetings all afternoon. More changes coming, or so it appears. Tim, as always, is not worried. I wish I was such an incurable optimist! 😀 He came in the door saying “where can we go out to eat?”. Ummmm, dear, I still have that fish left from last night, that I didn’t cook because you wanted to take me out to eat. Which I thorougly enjoyed and appreciated, don’t get me wrong. But I do so hate to waste anything, especially food. Therefore, after careful consideration, I have very smartly deduced that either a) Tim doesn’t want to eat fish or b) whenever I get in a “we need to stop eating out so much” mood, it only tends to make Tim want to eat out more and more. Sigh. We’ll see.

Ah, I digress, as always. Not only do I write about “exceedingly mundane” things, but I’m incredibly long-winded and verbose. My apologies.

We had dinner at our favorite little local Mexican place, Cinco de Mayo. Tim ordered the fajita quesadilla and I ordered the shrimp quesadilla. Either the service was a bit slow or else we were just hungry, because I sincerely believe we consumed the equivalent of a 5 gallon bucket full of chips and salsa before our food arrived. It was delicious though, and I cleaned my plate. That probably wiped out the very small weight loss I had worked so hard to gain earlier in the week. Oh well. I may very well get to go clothes shopping before we leave on vacation in less than 3 weeks, and buy all new shorts!

We just finished watching “Assault on Precinct 13”. I just did a quick and dirty review of it in the Reviews section of Hambones (you can check it out here). It was “ok” as Tim puts it. Not outstanding, not horrible. Terrible language (which bothers me more the older I get, I guess I’m getting to be more and more of a prude). We picked this movie up tonight at our local Blockbuster with another of the free rental coupons I have. I will be so very sorry when I run out of these soon. I have a couple left. Then, I feel, it might be a good time to try out a free two-week trial of either Netflix or Blockbuster Online. Unless I can find another way to earn more free rental coupons (I earned these by answering surveys and junk online for months, to earn enough credits to cash them in for rental coupons). 😀

OK, not sure who is reading this, but consider yourself warned: Tim is planning on working a lot on Hambones.org this weekend. It may be down for a while, and we may have more problems/issues like we did before, once we bring it back up. Please continue to bear with us, I promise, we’re only trying to make it better! 😀

  1. Gail Said,

    And we appreciate it! But hard for us addicts to be without it, even for a little while!

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