Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Update

Tim didn’t have to work too late last night, thank goodness, and got home a little after 6 PM. I had started working yesterday afternoon on some of the photos in the Photos section at Hambones, and got some errors and had some problems. Tim came home last night and worked on the problems for me, and hopefully we now have them all fixed. We lost some photos from early 2004, but those aren’t in high demand, and I have them on my Windows PC, so I will eventually re-load them onto the Hambones site. I want to spend some time today loading all of the new pictures that I have received lately – we have a few from Wendy of their new baby Nathan, some from Trent and Shanna of Ava Clair’s first birthday party, and a bunch from Amanda and Mark of Ethan and Abby’s recent trip to the zoo. I can’t wait to get them all loaded for everyone to see! You know me, I love photos! 😆

After Tim finished fixing Hambones for me, we watched the rest of “I, Robot”. We had watched it this past weekend, and found that our copy had a scratch on it (that we bought from the previously viewed rack at Hollywood Vide0). We had returned that one over the weekend and gotten a different one, and picked up the movie where we left off and finished it. But we wanted to go back on this disc and watch the first parts, to make sure there were no scratches or pops on this disc. I’m happy to report it’s fine. If anyone wants to borrow this one, just let us know. I need to add these new movies we bought to the DVD collection on Hambones. All of the DVD’s we own are listed here, so check them out and if there’s one you’d like to check out from our library, just let us know!


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